WP2: Scoping and training needs
The major activity of the EGREEN project is to design, deliver, accredit and adapt 7 state-of-the art Environmental Engineering and climate change courses which will add value to the existing undergraduate programs at partner universities and have technological and economic impact on the environmental and climate change sector in Jordan.
The project will commence in a scoping and needs analysis exercise to investigate the current status of Environmental Engineering and climate change in Jordan and Syria.
The investigation will commence with:
1. Survey and interviews with appropriate stakeholder, including enterprises and governmental bodies as well as international projects and initiatives, focusing on all academic programs being in offer in Jordan and Syria in the field of environmental and climate change issues, actual market demands, trends and needs as well government policies and regulations.
2. Survey on teaching and management facilities and on the structure of the partner universities to make sure that the project training content can be carried out successfully. ​



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Telephone: (962)6 535-50-00

Amman, Jordan