​Stakeholders Workshop at the Dead sea​
March 05, 2017

Following the launch of the EGREEN Project in February, 2017 the University of Jordan (UJ) in collaboration with the other Jordanian partner universities, conducted a two-day workshop during March 5-6, 2017. The workshop was designed to familiarize stakeholders within the project aims and concept, to engage them in the project network, and for scoping and identifying the training needs in the market which in turn will draw the roadmap for developing the curriculum at the partner universities in the project.

The workshop was attended by representatives from different stakeholder including the Jordan Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund( JREEEF), Arab Potash Company Ltd, Arab Potash Company Ltd, National Electric Power Company (NEPCO), The Royal Hashemite Court, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Orange Telecommunications company, Al Wathba Inv. Co. for renewable energy. In addition to representative from The University of Jordan (UJ), The German-Jordanian University (GJU), Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan (ZUJ), Mutah University (MUTAH), and Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST).




This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Get in Touch

Telephone: (962)6 535-50-00
Email: egreen@ju.edu.jo
Website: www.ju.edu.jo

Amman, Jordan