Capacity Building

The aim is to develop a capacity building and staff development programme in the field of environment and climate change. This will be designed by Hamburg University of Technology. The main focus of the activities will be on developing human resources and upgrading skills and capacities in the field by providing exposure to practical training, experiments and equipment. WP5 will include actual training on experiment and laboratory running, technical assistance and counseling services which will be organized for professors, researchers, students, engineers and technicians. Hamburg University, which is leading WP5, will implement specific training in environment as its participating laboratory has a long-standing expertise and necessary infrastructure in this field. This will be beneficial for capacity building in environment. Furthermore, the access to information, skills and training of Jordanian and Syrian partner universities will enable their faculty and researchers to evaluate existing environment curricula and effectively redesign the courses to include state-of-the-art-technologies. This will also greatly assist in establishing an environment training centre as a local resource and training point in Jordan and syria. Opportunities for training and study visits in WP5 will be provided by all EU partners in the project. Delivery of training courses will be in traditional face-to-face format in addition to eLearning environment. EU partners will help Jordanian and Syrian partner universities to adapt to changing needs in their systems required by the Bologna process.

Activities will include:

  1. Development of Long-Term Capacity Building Plan;
  2. Selection of Training Staff;
  3. Academic and technical Visits to EU; Design of Training Materials for Training Workshops (Traditional and Online).
  4. Students training;
  5. Organization of Training Workshops at Each Jordanian and Syrian Partner University.

Hamburg University of Technology
Task 5.1: Development a Capacity Building Programme

Task 5.2: Academic Visits to EU Partners

Task 5.3: Students Visits to EU Partners

Task 5.4: Training Workshops in environment in Jordan and Syria​​

WP5:Capacity BuildingSelection Criteria
WP5:Capacity BuildingCapacity Building Plan



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Telephone: (962)6 535-50-00

Amman, Jordan