Hamburg University of Technology
TUHH is a high-class university with a clear profile in re-search and with modern, practice-oriented learning methods. The TUHH is identified with successful reforms, unconventional paths and initiatives. In 1994, it was the first German university to introduce a Bachelor's degree and extensive English-language study programs. The TUHH secures additional private and public sector research funding equalling almost half of the university's non third-party budget. Thanks to its interdisciplinary structure and outstanding staffing and facilities, the TUHH is able to offer a modern, research-related, yet practically geared training and external services. This combination opens up excellent opportunities for graduates on the labour market, regardless of fluctuations in the economic cycle. We have numerous cooperation agreements with major business enterprises and SMEs. The will to assert ourselves as a top-ranking international university motivates us continually and is the driving force behind the TUHH's success.
Martin Kaltschmitt
Contact Person

​​​CV Kaltschmitt.pdfCV Kaltschmitt.pdf​

Annika Magdowski




This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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