HEALING Project Activities

ART THERAPY CENTER(A big day for the University of Jordan)


WP 4. Development of the Art Therapy Center

Lead University: Technological Institutes of Porto
Co-Lead University: University of Sousse & The University of Jordan.
Date : 7.12.2022

Dr. Salama Al-Nuaimat, Vice President of the University of Jordan for Humanities, opened the Art Therapy Studio at the Faculty of Arts and Design. This is a new diploma program that is the first of its kind in the region, supported by the European Union under the Erasmus Plus program. Fourteen universities from Jordan, Tunisia, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Portugal, and Croatia participate in the program, led by the University of Jordan.

Dr. Ahmad Al-Salaymeh, the project director, emphasized that the goal of the project is to create curricula and educational materials, and establish art therapy centers at all Jordanian and Tunisian universities participating in the project. Its importance lies in the intersection of its specialties, combining health colleges with the Faculty of Arts and Design.

The center will be the first of its kind in Jordan making it a leader of development in the arts and health sectors alike.
The nature of courses offered introduce students to the various therapeutic principles, objectives and techniques of the different arts therapies and train them in the use of these in the centers.
A dedicated space within the University of Jordan's School of Arts and Design, fostering creativity and innovation through art therapy. It collaborates with local healthcare facilities and organizations and actively engages students in its initiatives.



Contact us
Telephone: (962)6 535-50-00
Email: Art.Therapy@ju.edu.jo
Website: www.ju.edu.jo