Jordan University | Faculty for Factory
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The work mechanism:

- The company / factory wishing to participate in the program submits a participation request to the national committee / program management.
- Faculty members who wish to participate will be provided by the participating companies.
- Participation can take place when the faculty member chooses the company / factory.
- The participant makes several visits to the company to determine the company's needs and implement a diagnostic study of the reality of the company and the work that is agreed upon by both parties.
- At the beginning of the study, an action plan for the project agreed with the company is developed ,it clearly defines the problem and goals to be achieved and the time required to do so.
- Participant submits his/her report to the FFF program administrator during his visits introducing the development of the project and determining the achievement.
Participant submits his/her final report of the applied project in the factory/company, pointing out the implementation of the Action Plan and what has been done in the company.
- A second report showing the continuity of the project planned to be implemented at the Company/factory.
- Each participant and his/her company/factory have to fill the
questionnaire to assess the program and benefit the parties of the program.
- Reports are sent to the
technical committee of the National Commission, which would be responsible for verification of the participant to abide by the terms of the implementation of the project agreed.
In case of non-compliance reports to the agreed terms shall be returned to the participant for completion, and re-evaluate the report which is a prerequisite for the disbursement of financial receivables Participator.

Participant (Faculty Member) Responsibility:

- Determining the project topic agreed with the company’s/factory’s management.

-  Participant is committed to get involved in the daily activities also in meeting the staff and discuss the factory/company's project goals to be achieved.

- Participant is committed to supervise students and trainees in the company involved in the project implementation to strengthen their educational ability and other practical skills.

- Participant is committed in presenting of approximately about 10-16 hours per week in the company / factory.

Company/Factory Responsibility:

- Identification of project objectives and expected outcomes in coordination with the participant.

- The payment of its contribution to the program in advance when it approved the project proposal.

- Provide an appropriate environment for participants through the provision of necessary staff, space and money needed to implement the project and follow up the implementation of the project by the participant and assess his/her performance.

- Send a project approval letter when completed and fill in company/factory evaluation form. 

Project Cost

The project cost is divided into two main parts:

First; company/factory contributes with 20% of the total project cost.

Second; the support organization/donor covers the remaining 80% of the project cost.



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