ECO-CAR University Team

National Technical University of Athens

The NTUA is structured according to the continental European system for training engineers, with an emphasis on solid background. The valuable work of NTUA and its international reputation are due to its well-organized educational and research system, the quality of its staff and students, and the adequacy of its technical infrastructure. The primary institutional component of the NTUA’s mission, effected through the integrated complex of studies and research, is to provide advanced higher education of outstanding quality in science and technology. The main strategy of NTUA in the current millennium, is not only to maintain its position as an outstanding and internationally recognized public university of science and technology, but also to strengthen that position as regarding all its basic operations. The Vehicles Laboratory of NTUA deals with the structural analysis and the dynamic behaviour of vehicles, their suspension systems, four wheel steering system as well as electric and hybrid vehicles. It supports core and master courses in the field of Mechanical Engineering and Ground Vehicles, providing laboratory exercises to more than two hundred students annually. Furthermore, provides the students with the ability to conduct diploma, master and postdoctoral thesis. Additionally, the Vehicles Laboratory participates in research programs and provides services in the Domestic Construction Industry of Vehicles and Constructions. The Vehicles Laboratory, handles also the research area of Road and Rail Transport of Dangerous Goods (ADR/RID), while the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks has set the Vehicles Laboratory as the Centre responsible for the Education and the Examination regarding Road Transports. For the provided services in the area of Vehicle's Technology and of the Road Transport, the Vehicles Laboratory is certified according to ΕLΟΤ ΕΝ/ISO ΕΝ/ISO 9001:2008.



Dr. Dimitrios Koulocheris

Project Coordinator

Associate Professor at Mechanical Engineering Department​

Dr. Dimitrios Koulocheris Bio.pdfDr. Dimitrios Koulocheris Bio.pdf

Dr. Clio Vossou

Contact Person

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr. Clio Vossou Bio.pdfDr. Clio Vossou Bio.pdf

Thedora Tsiourva

Team Member

Technical & Administrative Staff

Thedora Tsiourva Bio.pdfThedora Tsiourva Bio.pdf

مشروع دبلوم التدريب المهني على المركبات الكهربائية والهجينة / ECO-CAR

هاتف: (962)6 535-50-00

البريد الإلكتروني:

الموقع الإلكتروني:

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