ECO-CAR University Team

Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-LIPPE

The goal of the Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (University of Applied Sciences and Arts) is to tackle complex problems and global challenges and work to ensure that knowledge and innovations benefit society. We provide education and research in engineering, economics and management, life science technologies, design and construction. More than 6,500 students, 171 professors and 520 employees are based at our campuses in Lemgo, Detmold and Höxter Each campus is characterized by its courses of study: • Lemgo is home to the classic engineering disciplines, supplemented by one-of-a-kind courses such as Media Production, Wood Technology, Food Technology and Business Administration for small and medium-sized enterprises. • Detmold focuses on discipline involving construction and design. • Höxter has made a name for itself as a campus dedicated to ecological aspects in engineering. Study programs at Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences and Arts prepare students for the world of work. Practice orientation is the hallmark of studying at universities of applied sciences. At Ostwestfalen-Lippe University, scientific knowledge and methods are conveyed and applied in the numerous well-equipped labs and institutes. Thanks to our close cooperation with industry, it is commonplace for our students to carry out work placements and prepare theses in companies. Studies are rounded off by practical semesters. In the field of research and technology, TH OWL has two main profile areas: life science technology and industrial IT. The Institute Industrial IT (inIT) carries out research in the field of industrial informatics and industrial automation for cyber-physical systems. The InIT is located in a science to business centre (Centrum Industrial IT) on the Innovation Campus Lemgo, where more than 200 engineers from companies and research institutes are working in the field of industrial IT. Facts and figures •Students: 6,590 •Professors: 171 •Teaching and administrative staff: 520 •Trainees: 38 As a place where knowledge is developed and taught, TH OWL supports exchanges between academic institutions and industry right from the beginning of fundamental innovations. Networking is a requirement for a successful knowledge and technology transfer. Here university members, industry, culture and politics are brought together to exchange ideas and combine strength. Personal contacts encourage effective and sustainable cooperation. Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe has 10 departments: Departments form the basic organisational units of the university. Several degree programmes are usually offered within a department, which is an independent unit, led by a Dean. Matters such as study regulations, study plans and appointment proposals are discussed and agreed on in the Faculty Council (comprising professors, employees and students). Departments in Detmold: Department Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Architecture Department Civil Engineering (including Industrial Engineering - Construction and Property Management Studies) Departments in Lemgo: Department Media Production Department Life Science Technologies (Food Technology, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical Engineering and Cosmetics and Detergents Technology) Department Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department Machine Engineering and Mechatronics Department Production and Wood Technology Department Economics Departments in Höxter: Department Environmental Engineering and Applied Computer Science, as well as Precision Farming Department Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning The university’s excellent contact to the local industry and businesses is the basis for innovative study programs and successful research collaborations. Thanks to the excellent education of our graduates and the close cooperation, Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences and Arts has become an essential and indispensable part of the economic region.



Prof. Salman Ajib

Project Coordinator

Head of Renewable Energies and Decentralized Energy Supplying Department​

Prof. Salman Ajib Bio.pdfProf. Salman Ajib Bio.pdf

Dr. Sabine Brunklaus

Team Member

Head of Research Management 

Dr. Sabine Brunklaus Bio.pdfDr. Sabine Brunklaus Bio.pdf

Mr. Timo Broeker

Team Member

Research Manager

Mr. Timo Broeker Bio.pdfMr. Timo Broeker Bio.pdf

مشروع دبلوم التدريب المهني على المركبات الكهربائية والهجينة / ECO-CAR

هاتف: (962)6 535-50-00

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