ECO-CAR University Team


Mutah University was established in1986 in the southern part of Jordan. It is the oldest and largest one in the south of Jordan. It has two wings (military and civil) on the same campus. It has 14 faculties including 58 academic departments and two deanships in the civil wing and two major academies in the military wing (Police and Military academies). The number of graduate and undergraduate students currently enrolled at the university exceeds 50,000 students; were 20% of those students come from more than 50 countries, with more than 700 faculty members. In 2011, Mutah University has begun to make its mark in the QS World reputation. In 2016 it gets three stares. One of the most active centres among these centres in the Energy Centre, Dead sea studies and water which are involved in all activities related to energy. Mutah University has been involved in many activities related to renewable energy activities on national and international levels. Besides the research activities in different aspects on renewable energy systems; solar thermal including CSP technology, PV, wind energy and bio-energy, Mutah University enrolled in several international activities such as four TEMPUS project (MANSUR, MUREE, TAJ & JOINTS). Also, MU involve in seven Erasmus Plus projects (SEM-SEM, Invent, VTC, MED-HEALTH, E-Green, CCSAFS & FOODQA). Three master program and three centres based on these project established. This means that the Erasmus plus and Tempus projects are added value to the Mutah University. Also, MU involves in many grant research. Mutah being a grant holder to the Promoting youth employment in remote areas in Jordan project no. 598428 KA2.



Prof. Omer Maaitah

Project Coordinator

Professor at Civil Engineering Department

Prof. Omer Maaitah Bio.pdfProf. Omer Maaitah Bio.pdf

Dr. Mohammad Almajali

Contact Person

Assistant Professor at Mechanical Engineering 

Dr. Mohammad Almajali Bio.pdfDr. Mohammad Almajali Bio.pdf

Prof. H. D. Al-Majali

Team Member

Professor at Electrical Engineering Department

Prof. H. D Almajali Bio.pdfProf. H. D Almajali Bio.pdf

Dr. Saif Nawayseh

Team Member

Associate Professor at Electrical Engineering

Dr Saif Nawayseh Bio.pdfDr Saif Nawayseh Bio.pdf

Prof. Mohammad Saraireh

Team Member

Professor at Computer Engineering Department

Prof. Mohammad Srayreh Bio.pdfProf. Mohammad Srayreh Bio.pdf

Prof Dr. Yazeed Al-Sbou

Team Member

Professor at Computer Engineering Department

Prof Dr. Yazeed Al-Sbou Bio.pdfProf Dr. Yazeed Al-Sbou Bio.pdf

مشروع دبلوم التدريب المهني على المركبات الكهربائية والهجينة / ECO-CAR

هاتف: (962)6 535-50-00

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