ECO-CAR University Team

Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen

RWTH Aachen University is a University with over 45,000 students. The Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA) of RWTH consists of three chairs, which cover all components of an electric drivetrain, from energy storage to power electronics and electrical drives. The chair for electrochemical energy conversion and storage systems located in ISEA is led by professor Sauer and consists of more than 40 researchers. The research focus is on the modelling of battery behaviour and the design of battery systems to optimize the whole life cycle of batteries. This includes the design of hardware and software for battery and energy management systems, the thermal design of battery packs and sizing of battery systems based on the application. The application fields covered by the research group range from storage systems for stationary applications, over automotive battery systems to trains and aerospace applications. Current research topics, which are covered in national and European projects, are amongst others the design of high power battery systems for automotive applications, the analysis of battery topologies for electric vehicles, the influence of mechanical forces on battery ageing and the development of advanced diagnostic algorithms. Knowledge is constantly transferred to students and industry by lectures, workshops, conference presentations, and direct industry cooperation.



Prof. Dirk Uwe Sauer

Project Coordinator

​Chair for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems​

Prof. Dirk Uwe Sauer Bio.pdfProf. Dirk Uwe Sauer Bio.pdf

Dr. Florian Ringbeck

Contact Person

Managing Chief Engineer

Dr. Florian Ringbeck Bio.pdfDr. Florian Ringbeck Bio.pdf

Mr. Stephan Bihn

Team Member

Head of Section for Battery Systems and Vehicle Integration

Mr. Stephan Bihn Bio.pdfMr. Stephan Bihn Bio.pdf

مشروع دبلوم التدريب المهني على المركبات الكهربائية والهجينة / ECO-CAR

هاتف: (962)6 535-50-00

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