ECO-CAR University Team

Al-Hussein bin Abdullah II Technical University

Al Hussein Technical University (HTU) is envisioned as a new model that strongly links with industry. It has been established in 2016 with an objective to offer technology education that is practice oriented specifically in new economies of technology. HTU is expected to support talented Jordanian youth in the pursuit of quality and relevant technical education as a response to the national strategy for HRD that is aligned to both Jordan 2025 and the UN sustainable development agenda 2030. HTU is set as a private non-profit technical university with premises located at the King Hussein Business Park, a prestigious location for world leading businesses, companies, and industries. It offers practical hands on educational programs that primarily contributes to technical workforce development across Jordan on a continuous basis. This will be achieved by providing a long-term solution to deal with the issues of employability and lack of skilled professionals. HTU addresses workforce development with curricula relevance to technical education and training. It offers best-in-class education to the society, specifically the youth enabling them to secure jobs, reduce the percentage of unemployment, and assist in increasing the number of Jordanian human capital exported to regional and global labour markets. The focus of HTU is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), filling a niche that has long been neglected by the Jordanian higher education sector. It is based on four pillars addressing technical education, innovation and entrepreneurship, and professional development. The curricula of HTU technical programs have been developed under pillars 1 and 2 in consultation with partners from the industry and international universities. The curricula are highly dynamic and relevant to market needs and augment theory and practice in a learner-centric environment. The learning environment at HTU promotes competencies related to teamwork, leadership, communication, critical thinking, problem solving, professionalism, sustainable development, global and ethical responsibility, civic engagement, and lifelong skills encouraging the effective use and evaluation of information for decision making. The innovation and entrepreneurship represent Pillar 4 of HTU that focus on fostering a culture of collaboration; facilitating engagement and recognition of entrepreneurs; enhancing engagement with industry; and providing greater flexibility for faculty and student ownership of intellectual property. The professional development of HTU represents Pillar 3, which relates to upskilling program by providing professional training to university graduates; bridging to schools; and outreaching to community.



Prof. Tarek A. Tutunji

Project Coordinator

Dean of School of Engineering Technology

Prof. Tarek A. Tutunji Bio.pdfProf. Tarek A. Tutunji Bio.pdf

Prof. Abdallah Abdallah

Team Member

Assistant President for industry partnership

Prof. Abdallah Abdallah Bio.pdfProf. Abdallah Abdallah Bio.pdf

Eng. Yousef Okour

Team Member

Director of engineering workshop

Eng. Yousef Okour Bio.pdfEng. Yousef Okour Bio.pdf

Eng. Radi Al-Rashed

Team Member

Assistant Instructor​

Eng. Radi Al-Rashed Bio.pdfEng. Radi Al-Rashed Bio.pdf

Tahani A. Ghobon

Team Member

Teaching and Research Assistant

Eng. Waleed Sunjuq

Team Member

​Assistant Instructor 

Eng. Waleed Sunjuq Bio.pdfEng. Waleed Sunjuq Bio.pdf

Eng. Alaa Aldaamsah

Team Member

Teaching and Research Assistant

Eng. Alaa Aldaamsah Bio.pdfEng. Alaa Aldaamsah Bio.pdf

مشروع دبلوم التدريب المهني على المركبات الكهربائية والهجينة / ECO-CAR

هاتف: (962)6 535-50-00

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