Vocational Training Diploma on Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles / ECO-CAR


The meeting had 44 participants from the participated European and Jordanian partners in the project, in addition to the Erasmus+ officer from the national office in Jordan. During the meeting, each partner introduced their selves and showed how their participation in the project will contribute to achieve the project goals. 

Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh (the project coordinator) presented ECO-CAR project in brief (objectives, indicators, expected results and impact, work packages / activities and scheduling).

A brief about Brussels Grant Meeting for newly selected projects 2020 was presented from the perspective of:
- Grant Agreement/ Partnership Agreement)
-Tasks and what is need from partners.

 At the end of the meeting, the date of 2nd part Kick-off Online Meeting was selected.​

Agenda-ECO-CAR Kickoff Meeting (P1).pdfAgenda-ECO-CAR Kickoff Meeting (P1).pdf

Participant list-ECO-CAR Kickoff Meeting 1.pdfParticipant list-ECO-CAR Kickoff Meeting 1.pdf