HEALING Work Packages

Project Coordination

Leader :
University of Jordan
Co-Leaders :
About Work Package:
To ensure an accurate and effective management on a daily basis, a project management team, responsible for financial, operational and day-to-day management and keeping track records of all project activities. A Project Steering Committee (PSC) will be established during the kick-off meeting with responsibility of making ultimate decisions. PSC will involve per one representative from each partner and will meet biannually in order to review the project progress and its performance and to make necessary changes if needed. To give all partners opportunity to participate in decision-making process PSC will take collective decisions by consensus voting. All decisions will be reproducible, i.e. documented in order to avoid misunderstanding or possible conflict Art therapy educations. To avoid excessive disputes in case of disagreement among PSC members an additional vote will be allocated to the chairman. Project scope management will be carried out through WP lead partners (LP) who will take care of WP implementation and reporting on the achievements. This ensures active involvement of all partners and sense of ownership. LPs will take responsibility for achieving objectives of WP and overseeing its timely and effective implementation. LPs will create and manage special task forces involving members from all partners to carry out WP activities. Formal communication channels will be organized through periodic coordination and status meetings, and regular communication.
Tasks :
Task 7.1: Kick-off Meeting. 
Task 7.2: Steering Committee 
Task 7.3: Technical and Scientific Committee 
Task 7.4: Biannual progress reports
Task 7.5: Operational Staff
Agenda-HEALING - Kick off Meeting
Agenda-HEALING- Second online Meeting
Agenda HEALING - Third Online Management Meeting
Agenda HEALING - Fourth Online Management Meeting
Agenda HEALING - Fifth Online Management Meeting
Agenda HEALING - Sixth Online Management Meeting
Agenda-HEALING -Seventh Management Meeting
Agenda-HEALING- Eighth Management Meeting
Agenda-HEALING -Ninth Management Meeting
Agenda-HEALING- Tenth Management Meeting
Steering Committee list
Terms of Reference for the Financial Auditor
Téléphone: (962)6 535-50-00
Courriel: Art.Therapy@ju.edu.jo
Site Web: www.ju.edu.jo

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