HEALING Work Packages

Capacity Building and Training Workshop

Leader :
Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Co-Leaders :
Hashemite University & University of Sfax
About Work Package:
Implementation and reporting. This WP intends for developing PC HEIs’ Teaching staff Back from TOT courses the trained trainers will adjust TOTs to the local needs and organize in-house teacher training (TT) courses. Each couple of trainers will train at least a group of teachers in their HEIs with the active support from EU partners.
Tasks :
Task 3.1: Elaboration of Capacity Building Plan & Selection Criteria. 
Task 3.2: Academic and Technician Visits to EU Partners 
Task 3.3: Students Visits to EU Partners. 
Task 3.4: Academic workshops for transferring know-how and skills.

Capacity Building Plan
Téléphone: (962)6 535-50-00
Courriel: Art.Therapy@ju.edu.jo
Site Web: www.ju.edu.jo

No. of Visitors


Clause de non-responsabilité: