Welcome to INNOMED Project!


The goal of this project is to bring together and strengthen collaboration between companies and HEIs through the development of courses in Innovative Green Energy Technologies for Green Buildings, while taking potential climate change impacts into account, using adaptive learning and teaching methods. Because HEIs are not heavily engaged with the greater society, graduates are less desirable to enterprises and businesses. This can be mitigated by forging really collaborative relationships between HEIs and businesses. This is one of the purposes of establishing courses for the Green Energy Technologies for Buildings Network. The company's participation in the course should be active and proactive. INNOMED will also promote regional collaboration by delivering courses that can be accepted and executed by all of the region's courtiers. Through the virtual classes, students from various nations in the region will be able to communicate with one another. The courses will employ fresh learning methodologies and pedagogical approaches that will pique the interest of the younger generations. Finally, the chance to practice distant learning will benefit students, particularly those from the region's rural districts. Mechanical engineers, environmental engineers, architects, and urban planners are the target ​groups.​