The 3rd NEXUS​ Conference
Under the patronage of H.R.H. Prince Hassan Bin Talal and organised by the University of Jordan, the NEXUS Conference is in its third version of emphasising the impact and opportunities found in adopting the NEXUS approach within the WEFE (Water, Energy, Food, Environment) sectors. The conference is supported by the German Government and their implementing agency Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

This year's conference will be a follow-up to the first and second NEXUS Conferences in 2019 and 2021 that were successfully organized by the University of Jordan and under the patronage of the Prime Minister. While the previous two high-level conferences on “Water-Energy Nexus" have provided a platform for political dialogue and exchange between various stakeholders and experts from the water and energy sectors, the third version comes in response to the emerging need to further enhance the dialogue and cooperation between all WEFE sectors Integrating the additional relevant sectors such as environment and agriculture.

Over a period of two days to be spent in the prestigious King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center near the Dead Sea, various sessions, discussion panels, workshops, and speeches by high-expertise professionals from the WEFE fields will fall under this year's conference theme of 'Green to Growth in Water, Energy, Food, Environment, and Solid Waste'.

The Third NEXUS Conference provides the perfect place for high-level decision makers, professionals, experts, academics, and students from the WEFE fields to network and obtain deeper insight on WEFE NEXUS-related topics; technically, theoretically, politically, and socially. The Open Souq, a new addition to this year's conference, is a golden chance for stakeholders from the public and private sectors to showcase their achievements and prospects in the WEFE NEXUS.​