الجامعة الأردنية - مركز الإعتماد وضمان الجودة








Who we are?

The School of International Studies and Political Science (SISPS) holds a faculty status at University of Jordan.

The School was established in 2008 to meet the increasing demands of students for knowledge in Political Science and International Relations. Today SISPS is the only academic institution specializing in politics and international affairs in Jordan which provides quality education and training on the myriad of fields in international affairs and political sciences in the English language.


Studies & Research

In line with the vision and the strategic plan of the University of Jordan, SISPS offers education and training for both undergraduate and graduate students on a wide range of paradigms and diverse theoretical, philosophical and methodological approaches to the social sciences and political research.


At the moment SISPS conducts two-level studies: BA in Political Science and eight MA programs: American Studies, Conflict Resolution, Development Practices, Diplomatic Studies, Global Challenges and Leadership (GCL), Human Rights and Development, Middle East Studies, and Political Science.

All the programs invoke multidisciplinary approach to political science and international studies and develop a broad generic understanding of the fields as well as subject related skills.


We are also in the process of preparation of full time and external PhD studies, which is envisaged to be launched in 2014/2015 academic year.


SISPS is distinguished for the unique educational and research environment it provides. It incorporates a tradition of expertise with a broad range of research fields under the umbrella of political science. These fields include international relations, conflict resolution, diplomacy, human rights, international development, political economy, Middle Eastern studies, and American studies, among others.


The School has achieved a wide range of academic accomplishments and is confident in hosting well-known scholars, high level politicians and other exclusive speakers at its premises.

The diverse expertise of the faculties comprising an open-minded, multicultural environment qualifies SISPS to be the first-rate academic and research hub, contributing to the scholarly and intellectual advancement of the country, region, and the world.


Our focus

SISPS aspires to deliver a high caliber education and academic training with the aim of graduating skilled and universal individuals who appreciate and promote cultural diversity, and who are able to utilize and employ the obtained knowledge and new abilities in the labor market whether it be a governmental, non-governmental or private sector.

Through its multidisciplinary approach to political science and international studies, SISPS provides programs that are not limited to a certain line of thought, but instead are presented in an interdisciplinary manner that ensures a comprehensive understanding of all the subsidiary fields of study within each program. All our graduates develop a range of generic and subject related competencies, which position them as exclusive experts in the labor market.


Our vision

The visionary outlook of the faculty is to play a distinguished role in Jordan and regional academic development through offering specialized programs and develop scientific research in many academic disciplines such as Diplomacy, Conflict Resolution, Parliamentary Studies, Islamic, Environment, European as well as American Studies.

Moreover, the future goal of the faculty is to become a regional as well as global centre with different academic disciplines.


Our goals:

·                To provide graduates with an intensive period of study in which to learn about relevant academic disciplines of the department in a systematic and disciplined manner;

·                To develop generic and subject related competences allowing students to develop their professional or (and) academic careers;

·                To ensure that students have a solid grounding in both the major theoretical aspects within the relevant disciplines of the faculty as well as the major trends and developments in the academic domains of the faculty;

·                To provide students with a broad range of courses within which they can pursue their interests in the relevant programs of the faculty;

·                To employ the scientific expertise of Jordan University and to establish academic and scientific co-operation on the national, regional and international levels;

·                To promote the faculty and attract national and international post-graduates students and scholars.


Our mission

In accordance to the mission of The University of Jordan, the task of our faculty is to offer a qualitative education for postgraduate students and help the graduates to acquire knowledge, research skills and necessary expertise that would qualify them to develop a high profile career and to serve their societies.


Our values

SISPS pursues to provide education of the highest quality, to encourage critical and creative thinking, to endorse conscientious pursuit of excellence in one’s work, to promote freedom and span of academic ideas as well as professional ethical values based on mutual respect and understanding.


Our experts

The School hosts a number of outstanding experts on national, regional and international politics who are well-known for their proficient and exclusive research, expert knowledge, public commentaries and professional experience.

Our experts conduct both critical analysis of contemporary issues in fields of international relations, conflict resolution, diplomacy, human rights, international development, political economy, and regional studies.