Within the framework of the project "Capacity
Building of Personnel in Jordanian Olive Industry" that is funded by
the European Union, the final international dissemination
olive workshopwas held at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Amman in 24th April
2017. The workshop gathered olive specialized personnel in the Mediterranean
region (Jordan, Palestine, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Tunisia and Italy).The
presence of the IOC (international oil council) executive director in the final
workshop raised the value of the workshop and helped in establishing professional
relationship with international olive council.
The achieved results of the project and all papers presented in the
conference were gathered in proceedings booklet that was distributed during the
final conference. This event was covered by media
presses, national magazines as well as the project web site and advertised on the ELGO and UJ websites A technical
visit to olive mill and organic olive farms that followed the conference
provided a unique opportunity to communicate between the participants.
Briefing of workshop in different languages:
English version
Greek Version
Spanish Version
Arabic Version