Skype Meeting 2nd March2017

Skype meeting, 2ndMarch 2017

 Started at 8:00 am and ended at 9:00 am GMT

The attendance

Dr. MehyarGhadeer, Dr. Chartzoulakis Kostas, Prof. Favati Fabio, Dr. Rodriguez Celia on behalf of Prof Segura-Carretero Antonio;Prof.AL- Absi Khalid, Prof.RababaahTaha, EngAl MomaniSamar.

Prof Tsimidou Maria and Dr.NenadisNikos apologized from attending the meeting becausetheyhad lectures at the same time of the meeting.

The Agenda

The workshop issues

1. Presenters for the topics:

a. “Sustainable Use of Organic Matter from Animal and Plant Sources”

b. “Advances in Disease Control in Olives”

c. The IOC presenter

2. The expected expenses (4665 JD, tax free) provided by a service company of the conference and visit.

3. The designed theme for printing materials; for notebooks, folders, rollups, book of abstract, flyer, invitation cards, the program and badges.

4. The dissimilation materials, leather folder with solar calculator, flash memory, pen.

5. Other issues raised by the partners.

6. Setting the next appointment for the monthly Skype meeting.

 The minutes

1. Presenters for the topics:

a. “Sustainable Use of Organic Matter from Animal and Plant Sources”

Dr. Chartzoulakismentioned that there is no need for this topic because it will be covered by Dr. G. Psarras’spresentation which includes the use of organic matter (manures, residue of pruning and wastewater) in fertilization. Dr. Chartzoulakisinformed the partners that Dr. Psarras will change the title of his presentation to “Sustainable fertilizing of olive orchards: Principles and adaptation to climate change” to fit the presentation. The other partners agreed with this decision.

b. “Advances in Disease Control in Olives”

Dr. Chartzoulakis informed the partners that he already answered Dr. Mehyar’s email about the abstract submitted by the Prof. K. ÇAĞLAYAN as it fits the title but needs to be reduced in size. He also reminded Dr. Mehyar to ask the presenter to send her CV and the full presentation in time. The other partners agree with the conversation.

c. The IOC presenter

Dr.. Chartzoulakis asked Dr. Mehyar to invite somebody from the IOC to cover the topic “Olive Industry in the World- Present and Future” and to get obligation for him to submit the full paper by the deadline of paper submission. Dr. Chartzoulakis emphasised to have the answer from the IOC presenter this week or until the end of the next week.


2. The expected expenses (4665 JD, tax free) provided by a service company of the conference and visit

Dr. Chartzoulakis mentioned that the offer provided including the visit is OK for him. He asked about the rate of the room for the EU partners in the Holiday Inn (the hotel of the workshop). Dr. Mehyar told him that she already asked about that and got the rate 80 JD/night (offered through the service agent). Dr.Chartzoulakis Dr. Mehyar to send the partner that offer and to ask again the Holliday Inn for further reduction in the rateor to have a hotel near the Holiday Inn with about 50-55 JD/night including breakfast and taxes. Prof Favati reminded Dr.Mehyar that the meals should not appear in the final receipt. Dr. Mehyartold him that this is only an internal offer. Separate offers and receipts will be obtained without meals,to be submitted with the final report.


3. The designed theme for printing materials; for notebooks, folders, rollups, book of abstract, flyer, invitation cards, the program and badges.

Dr. Chartzoulakis mentioned that there is a mistake on the date of the theme. Dr. Mehyarmentioned that she noticed that mistake and she will correct it. Other partners did not add any further comments on this point.


4. The dissimilation materials, leather folder with solar calculator, flash memory, pen.

All partners agreed with the type of the dissimilation materials. Prof Favati informed Dr.Mehyar that he will provide flash memory (with capacity more than 8GB) in the workshop as dissimilation material from the UV.

5. Other issues raised by the partners.

a. Dr. Chartzoulakis asked Dr. Mehyar to put emphasis on the presenters, that have abstracts accepted,to respect the deadline for full paper submission which is20 -25thMarch. Both Dr. Chartzoulakis and Prof. Favati reminded Dr.Mehyarto resendthe paper submissionguidelines to the presenters. This is to have enough time for reviewing the proceeding booklet and have it ready andin a good shape during the workshop.

b. Dr. Chartzoulakis mentioned that some European partners could like to stay until Saturday or Sunday after the final meeting to visit Petra, Read Sea and Dead Sea on their own expenses. He mentioned that European partners will discuss that with each other.

c. Dr. Chartzoulakis asked Dr. Mehyar to contact Dr.Psarras directly to ask him to finalize the financial report of ELGO as he is responsible for that.

d. Dr. Rodriguez, informed Dr. Mehyar thatshe will attend the workshop instead of Prof Segura-Carretero and she would like to present a poster in the workshop. Both Dr. Chartzoulakis and Dr.Mehyar welcomed her submission.

e. Prof Favati informed Dr.Mehyar that he and his colleague will visit UJ to provide lectures in lipids metabolism, Mediterranean diet, food processing design and analysis. Dr. Mehyar promised to send him the titles of the coursesoffered this semesterthat are related to thesesubjects. Prof Favati informed Dr.Mehyar that the visit will be at the end of March and it will be for one week.

f. Dr. Mehyar reminded Prof Favati to send her the edited final report as he should received it from the European partners. Prof Favati mentioned that he sent it earlier to Dr. Mehyarand promised to resend it again.

6. Setting the next appointment for the monthly Skype meeting.

Partners agreed that the appointment for the next meeting to be in Thursday 30thof March at 9:00 AM Madrid and Rome time and 10:00 Amman and Athens time.




The Project Coordinator
