| Intermediate Report | |
Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency
Intermediate Report on implementation of the project (IR),
Statement of the costs incurred and Request for Payment
(Sixth Call for proposals EACEA No. 35/2012)
Joint Project / Structural Measure
Project Reference No. : 543820-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-JO-TEMPUS-JPHES
Agreement No.: 2013-5023/001 - 001
- Report on implementation of the project
- Statement of the costs incurred and Request for Payment
When 70% of the 1st pre-financing has been disbursed but not later than:
- 1 December 2014 for 2 year projects
- 1 June 2015 for 3 year projects |
Structure of the Report
Annex IV/3-5 Report on implementation of the project
Annex IV/6-8 Statistics and Indicators
Annex IV/9 Example showing how to fill in the tables of achieved/planned outcomes
Annex IV/10 Table of achieved/planned results
Annex IV/11 Summary Report for publication
Annex IV/12 Statement of the costs incurred and Request for Payment
Annex IV/13 Acknowledgement of receipt
One original (with original signatures) and one copy are to be sent by the deadline by registered mail (date as per postmark) to:
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
Erasmus+ : Higher Education - International Capacity Building (Unit A4)
This declaration should be completed and signed by the following people:
1. the contact person at the co-ordinator (institution);
2. the person who is legally authorised to represent the co-ordinator (institution).
We, the undersigned, certify that we have submitted all the required documentation, including the documents mentioned in the checklist.
Furthermore, we certify that the information given in this Intermediate report is correct to the best of our knowledge and complies with the requirements of the provisions of Article I.4 and II.23 (Annex VI) of the Grant Agreement.
We are aware that amendments to these documents will not be accepted after the date of submission.
Name of the co-ordinator (institution): The University of Jordan |
Name of the contact person :Ali Kamil Saed
Signature: ......................................................
Stamp of the co-ordinator (institution):
Name of the legal representative:"Moh'd Walid" Batsh
Position: Vice president of the University of Jordan
Signature: ........................................................ |
Please provide an overview on implementation of the project, by following the instructions below.
- I. Overall achievements
Please provide a description of the activities carried out since the start of the project and describe to what extent, the results achieved since the beginning of the project, are contributing to the project objectives.
This project concentrates on building capacity for Jordanian olive farmers, olive mill personnel, table olive personnel and olive sensory evaluation teams.
The project includes six work packages and 20 deliverables covering the activities that should be carried out during the project life.
The achieved activities include:
1. During November and December, 2013 the contact person provided the EACEA in Brussels with the needed financial and administrative documents.
2. Preparing the project new financial identification and the international bank account number (IBAN) (wp5/d1)
3. Attending of the national tempus meeting in December 2013 (wp6/d1) and the Brussels tempus meeting in Feb. 2014 (wp6/d1)
4. Preparing of new mandate for JUST and JOPEA (2 national partners) and the official letter for the new representative of UJ (wp5/d1)
5. Signing the agreements between UJ and EACEA in Feb. 2014 (wp5/d2)
6. Receiving the 1st installment of the project (60% of the grant) by UJ in Feb 2014 and having a project account in EUR (wp5/d1)
7. Signing the partner agreements between UJ and the other nine partners in April 2014 (wp5/d2)
8. Start meetings with national partners institutions to
a. Clarify the project for them, (wp6/d1)
b. Discussing the evaluation report for our project proposal (wp5/d1)
c. Reviewing the new revised budget of our project and doing the necessary modifications (wp5/d1)
d. The redistribution of the revised project budget between the partners (wp5/d1)
9. Establishing the project administrative and technical team in April 2014(wp5/d2)
10. Establishing the project consulting committee, the steering committee and the higher administrative and financial committee and arranging the committees meetings (wp5/d2)
11. Starting contacting the olive machinery manufacturers to provide quotation for the needed equipments by April 2014 (wp1/d4)
12. Changing the money to EU partners in May 2014 (wp5/d1)
13. Preparing for the project disseminating or kick-off meeting (wp1/d4)
14. Holding the kick-off meeting in UJ by June 2014 with the attendance of all partners (wp1/d5)
15. Construction and creating the website of the project. It can be reached using the link "tempusolive.com“ (wp4/d1)
16. Managing the project and writing and contacting the partners and answering their enquiries as well as writing and answering the project officer in Brussels (wp5/d2)
17. Determining the specification for the needed olive machinery and sending them to the main EU companies specified in manufacturing such equipment. Several quotations were received and studied and analyzed as well as raised inquiries were answered. (wp1/d2)
18. Visiting Italy and Spain in November 2014 and Turkey in Feb 2015 and discussing with the olive machinery manufacturing companies the needed equipment, their specifications and prices given in the received quotations (wp1/d2)
19. Providing the national companies specified in labs. establishing with the design and drawings for the needed labs and processing hall; quotations were received and studied and inquiries were answered. (wp1/d3)
20. Carrying out activities related to the project dissemination process, This activity is going on by selecting many routes i.e using the project website, participating in the national agricultural exhibitions and the national olive and olive products festivals and scientific days such as attending the IV olive biotech held in Amman by Nov. 2014; participating in the olive festival in Alhusainiyah (south of Jordan) in October 2014; arranging an olive scientific workshop in Amman with the cooperation of Amman Industry Chamber on 20th December 2014; arranging an olive scientific day in Irbid city with the cooperation of Irbid Agri. Directorate. on 22th Nov.2014 ; arranging an olive scientific workshop in Karak city with the cooperation of Jordanian Agri. Engineers Assoc. on 13th December 2014; participating in the scientific days held in Muta and Alhuson Universities in April 2015 (wp5/d1)
21. The preventive field monitoring visit was carried out by Prof. Ahmad Abu-El-Haija and Ms Haneen Bittar from the National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) in Jordan and Mr Philippe Ruffio from the Agency in Brussels (EACEA) at the University of Jordan on 07/12/2014. Based on the main findings, many recommendations were made and are being taken into account by the project team
22. Starting the assessing quality study for local olive and olive oil and collecting samples from different regions of the country, and carrying the physico-chemical and sensory properties for the collected samples; the obtained results have been analyzed statistically and are being changed to a scientific paper which will be published in a refereed scientific journal (wp5/d1)
23. The project team started by December 2013 dealing with the activity of building the main training center at UJ and the two branches at the North of Jordan (Just) and South of Jordan (Muta Univ.). Unfortunately, the team was faced with many difficulties due to the shortage of space and funds. Later on funds (a sum of 150000 EUR) and location , were specified for this purpose and The Engineering Directorate and the Tender Dept at UJ started working with this activity by September 2014 and it is now ready (wp1/d1)
24. Preparing for the 1st management project meeting in Verona/ Italy (wp1/d4); the meeting was held on 25-26 Feb. 2015 and by the attendance of all partners. In that meeting many topics were covered such as: achieved activities, planning of the students and staff exchange activities, monitoring and review of the financial aspects of the project as well as overall review of the critical points of the project and proposed actions. Finally, it was agreed to distribute the responsibilities for the activities and project tasks between partners.
25. By the last two months (April &May 2015), more concentrations were focused on the staff and student exchange activities; Next month (June 2015) two colleagues i.e. prof. Taha and Dr Radwan will visit Granada University whereas Miss Ruba (Jopea partner) will visit The Greece Olive Institute and Prof. Alsaed may visit Verona Univ. in July 2015 and Aristotle Univ. in September 2015. The students exchange activities are also under process.It was agreed in Verona meeting to distribute the Jordanian students between EU partners in the following manner:
- 2 students are welcomed by Prof. Tsimidou from April to June 2015 to be trained in olive oil analysis by various techniques
- 2 students are welcomed by Prof. Chartzoulakis to be trained on olive oil analysis and sensory evaluation
- 1 student is welcomed by Prof. Favati starting from next October 2015 for 60 days to be trained on HPLC and GC
- Any number of students are welcomed by Prof.Segura at any time.
26. More efforts are given these days (May 2015) to the project equipment purchasing activity. Many quotations for the olive press and table olive unit have been received and a committee were nominated by the UJ tender dept and the quotations are being studied.
27. The establishing of the sensory and chemical labs. as well as the processing hall and the lecturing room are under process and is expected to be ready by the end of July 2015.
28. Prof. Chartzoulakis will start working for the International Congress on Olive and Olive Products activity by the end of May 2015 and provide the partners with an outline. It was also decided to unify the title of the congress as in the excel table (International Congress on Olive and Olive Products) and the congress should be held in December 2016
29. The training activity (train trainers for farmers, olive mills, table olive and sensory teams in 2015 and 2016 ) is taking a significant efforts nowadays. It is planned to have the maximum possible number of trainees and a training plan and outline is being written by Jordanian partners. Trainers to be trained will be selected through a transparent procedure including advertising in the media, writing to the related ministries and organizations, advertising in the project web site, etc.
30. Generally, we can say that about 40% of the project planned tasks have been achieved.However, good effort to be made by the project team to compensate for the 10% delays already occurred in the project. |
- II. Coherence with the workplan and comments on deviations and modifications
Please write in this section the main changes which have occurred compared with the original project proposal. (More detailed information is requested in the relevant sections below).
Some modifications were conducted on the work plan and budget as well as the project proposal. Those modifications were done during the kick-off meeting held in Amman/Jordan by June 2014, and were agreed by all partners and had an acceptance from EACEA.
A. Work plan and budget modifications
1. Starting date of some activities in the project
1.1 Kick-off meeting were conducted in June 2014 instead of January 2014; the 1st management meeting was held in Italy in Feb 2015 instead of July 2014;
1.2 Summary of the project funding requirements (Table 2)
The travel cost and cost of stay were increased by 10,000 € (less than 10%) and become 165,054,00 € instead of 155,054,00 € and accordingly other costs were reduced by 10,000 € and became 109,000.00 € instead 119,000,00 €. Co-finance was also modified to 93,151,00 € instead 93,000,00 €.
1.3 Staff cost ( Table 3)
Only number of working days as manager (category 1) for the University of Jordan was re-distributed and to include work package 3.
1.4 Travel cost and cost of stay ( Table 4)
a. The total travel cost and cost of stay for the Jordanian partners were modified as have been mentioned in 1.2
b. Number of persons attending the first management meeting will be 8 and number of days 32 and total cost for this item will be 9632 € instead of 7880 €
c. For purchasing equipment, number of people will be 2 instead of 1 and number of days will be 14 and then total cost for this item will reach 7248 € instead of 3000 €.
Due to the initial information collected from the manufacturing companies, the cost of some instruments were modified and as the following:
a. Olive mill cost were modified to 70,000 € instead of 40,000 €
b. Atomic absorption having the cost 30,000 € were cancelled
c. Subscription in journal were reduced from 15,000 € to 5000 € and the 10,000 € difference were specified to buy analytical instruments such as balances, water baths, pH meter ….etc.
1.6 Other costs (Table 7)
a. Other costs were reduced by 10,000 € to be 109,000 € instead 119,000 € to compensate for the travel cost.
1.7 Co-Finance ( Table 8)
It was changed to 93,151,00 € instead 93,000 ,00 € ( Table 5)
1.8 No changes were done on budget break down by partner institutes (table 10)
B. Logical Framework Matrix (LFM)
Changes in LFM were at minimum; little modifications were done on the international olive conference as well as the management meetings and as in the enclosed LFM.
C. The proposal of the project
Some changes were done on the proposal of the project, examples for such changes include:
1. The name of the legal representative of JU was changed i.e Prof. Khyami-Horani was replaced by Prof. Batsh
2. The name of the legal representative of JSSEF was also changed i.e Dr Tawalbeh was replaced by Prof. Al-Ismael
3. Some changes were conducted on the management meetings and the international olive congress
4. Some items in the budget summary were modified i.e travel cost and cost of stay, other costs, co-finance and equipment
5. Equipment for EU partners were cancelled
6. The hanger to accommodate the main olive training center was replaced by a building and its cost was paid by UJ instead of Tempus
7. The date of some activities were modified
8. A re-distribution of staff costs (manager category) were done to include work package 3
9. EU trainers for olive pickling and olive mill were modified |
- III. Obstacles and shortcomings
Please describe any obstacles and/or shortcomings experienced during the period covered by the report and the measures taken by the project team to address them.
1.Date of signing the agreement and changing the funds
It is not fair to say that the IV call TEMPUS projects started actually by December 2013 while signing the agreement and changing the funds were performed by February 2014.
2. Establishing the olive training centre
The rector of the university of Jordan (UJ) promised the steering committee of the project During the dissemination meeting (June 2014) that the building of the olive training centre will be ready during three months (September 2014), unfortunately, it took 12 instead of 3 months.
3. Discrepancy between the UJ laws and instructions and those of EACEA
UJ refused to modify some of the applied instructions especially those relating to the participation of the university employee in the olive project activities. An example is that the project team was obliged to contract with a financial expert from outside the university.
4. Purchasing the project equipment
The project team had an exclusion in the form of a signed letter from his Excellency the Prime
Minister to purchase the needed project equipment directly and without going through the routine procedure which is time consuming. Unfortunately, the Tender Dept. at UJ refused that letter and followed the routine procedure for purchasing, and as a result, there is a delay of more than 3 months in the purchasing process.
5. Freezing the project coordinator staff cost allowances
The higher administrative and financial committee of the project took a decision in one of her meetings to follow a special procedure for paying the staff cost allowances. This procedure dictates that paying is connected to completion of the project tasks or activities. As a result, the project coordinator has not received his staff cost allowances since September 2014.
6. The staff cost of project team in the UJ was reduced by 50%
An amount of 65000 EUR were allocated in the original project proposal funds to construct the training centre. Later on, we came to know that EU funds can not be used for building. As a result, UJ took this responsibility on her account and built the centre with an estimated cost of about 150 000 EUR. Due to the financial difficulties facing the UJ, it was impossible for her to manage the co-finance item and participate with an amount of about 45000 EUR as co-finance. The solution was to take this sum from the staff cost; accordingly, the actual staff cost for UJ is only 45000 and not 89000 EUR.
- Development of programmes and courses
Please provide a description of the teaching/training programme(s) (undergraduate/postgraduate programmes, intensive courses, training modules to academic or non-academic staff, etc.) that the beneficiaries are developing or of the introduction of the new programme(s) and the state-of-play of these developments at the time of submitting the report. If unforeseen changes in the original plans occurred, please describe the type of changes and the measures taken to address them. Please also indicate the activities you plan to carry out before the end of the project. If this section is not relevant for your project, please write ‘Not Applicable’.
Staff exchange: After 3 days (31/5/2015) two colleagues, prof. Rababa and Ajo (project partners) will visit Granada University for 2 weeks and will have training on advanced instrumentation used in determination of volatiles in Jordanian olive oil samples. Miss Daghmash (Jopea partner) will visit the Greek olive institute by July 2015 and will be trained on the utilization of reclaimed water in olive irrigation. Prof. Alsaed will visit Verona university next July and Aristotle university next September and will give several seminars related to olive, olive oil and food sensory evaluation.
The student exchange activity are under process. In Verona meeting, it was agreed to distribute the Jordanian students between the EU partner universities.
The project training activity (training trainers for farmers, olive mills, table olives and sensory teams) will start in August and September 2015 and will be repeated in 2016. It is planned to have the maximum possible number of trainees and a training plan and outlines very shortly. However, the training activity was discussed in depth during Verona meeting of the project steering committee in Feb. 2015. It was agreed in the meeting that trainers to be trained (farmer trainers, olive mill trainers, table olive trainers, olive and olive oil sensory teams trainers) should be selected through a transparent procedure including advertising in the media, writing to the related ministries and organizations, advertising in the project web site, etc. It was also agreed that the duration of training should be one week (5 working days) for 30 hours (6 hours daily), being the training divided into two parts: theoretical training with a total time of 12 hours; practical training with a total time of 18 hours; The theoretical part will be covered by EU experts while the practical will be covered by Jordanian experts.
- V. Restructuring: university management and governance
Please provide information on the institutional changes that the project is introducing in the Partner Country beneficiaries (institutions), the state-of-play of project activities and any changes which occurred compared with the original plans. Please also indicate the activities you plan to carry out before the end of the project. Examples: establishment of new units/faculties, establishment/upgrading of libraries, establishment/restructuring of international relation offices, introduction of reforms to university governance (i.e. decision process, autonomy, accountability). If this section is not relevant for your project, please write ‘Not Applicable’.
It is planned to establish an electronic library in the olive training centre related to olive and olive oil and a 5000 EUR are allocated for this purpose.
- VI. Staff (re-)training
Please provide a description of the activities carried out in order to train the staff of the partner country participating institutions. Please also provide an outline of the selection criteria for the different groups of people who have participated in the implementation of these activities. Please describe any change in comparison with the original proposal and indicate the activities that you plan to carry out before the end of the project.
Staff exchange: Two colleagues, prof. Rababa and Ajo (project partners) will visit Granada University in June 2015 for 2 weeks and will have training on advanced instrumentation used in determination of volatiles in Jordanian olive oil samples. Miss Daghmash (Jopea partner) will visit the Greek olive institute by July 2015 and will be trained on the utilization of reclaimed water in olive irrigation. Prof. Alsaed will visit Aristotle university next September and will give several seminars related to olive, olive oil and food sensory evaluation.
- VII. Staff mobility
Please provide an outline of the staff mobility scheme and the selection criteria used for the different groups of people that participate in mobility. Please describe the activities carried out so far, how mobility activities have been organised by home institutions and how mobility helped and/or will help achieve the project's objectives. Information about how the home institutions recognise the mobility should also be provided. If unforeseen changes in your original plan occurred, indicate the type of changes and the measures taken to address them. Please also indicate the activities that you plan to carry out before the end of the project.
The 1st mobility was for the project partners to attend the kick-off meeting in Amman by June 2014; the 2nd was arranged to visit the olive machinery manufacturing companies in Italy and Spain; this mobility was carried by the project coordinator, prof. Alsaed and Mr Albsoul, an agricultural machinery engineer at UJ; the purpose of the mobility was to collect the specifications for the project needed equipment. Prof. Favati and Segura participated in that mobility. All those mobilities were approved in advance by the EACEA. The 3rd mobility was carried to attend the 1st management meeting in Verona/Italy by Feb. 2015. Several internal mobilyties were carried by the Jordanian partners to participate in the different project disseminations activities. Before the end of the project, several staff mobilities will be performed. Those will include EU staff mobilities to Jordan to participate in the training activity and in the course development and also to attend the 3rd and 4th management meetings as well as the international olive congress to be held in Aqabah/Jordan. Jordanian partners have also many mobilities either nationally or to the EU institutions.
- VIII. Student mobility
Please provide an outline of the student mobility scheme and the selection criteria for the different groups of students that participate in mobility. Please describe the activities carried out so far, how mobility activities have been organised by home institutions and how mobility helped and/or will help achieve the project's objectives. Information about how the home institutions recognise the mobility (credit transfer, double diploma, diploma supplement, etc.) should also be provided. If unforeseen changes in your original plan occurred, indicate the type of changes and the measures taken to address them. Please also indicate the activities that you plan to carry out before the end of the project. If this section is not relevant for your project, please write ‘Not Applicable’.
- The student exchange activity are under process. In Verona meeting, the steering committee agreed to distribute Jordanian students between EU partners in the following manner: 2 students are welcomed by Prof. Tsimidou from April to June 2015 to be trained in olive oil analysis by various techniques 2 students are welcomed by Prof. Chartzoulakis to be trained on olive oil analysis and sensory evaluation 1 student is welcomed by Proff. Favati starting from next October 2015 for 60 days to be trained on HPLC and GC Any number of students are welcomed by Prof.Segura at any time. Discussions are now taking place to finalize the distribution of the EU students in the Jordanian institutions. It was agreed that the student selection process should be done through a transparent procedure including advertising in the university media, and in the project web site, etc. It was also agreed that the duration of the student exchange should be between 2 to 12 week, the selected students to have completed his or her courses and have approved proposal. The students to be trained on using some advanced instrumental techniques needed to carry and complete their proposal practical work.
- Academic co-ordination and administrative management
Please describe how the division of labour is managed between the various beneficiaries, for both academic co-ordination and administrative management. Particular attention should be paid to the description of how this division of labour is managed in areas such as communication and the decision-making process used. Please also describe how day-to-day project activities are managed, indicating what kind of administrative support or other support you have received from the beneficiaries (institutions). If you encountered difficulties related to the management of the project, please indicate the type of problems and the solutions found to address them.
See item III above please
- X. Equipment
Please outline the equipment purchased, explain where the equipment has been installed, who will benefit from it and have access to it and plans for future maintenance. Please also describe the activities that you plan to carry out before the end of the project, in relation to the equipment purchased/installed. If unforeseen changes in your original plan occurred, indicate the type of changes and the measures taken to address them. If this entry is not relevant for your project, please write ‘Not Applicable’.
More efforts are being given these days to the project equipment purchasing activity. About 224,000 EUR are allocated for this activity. Many quotations for the olive press and table olive line have been received, and a technical committee was nominated by the Tender Dept., at the UJ and the quotations are being studied.
- XI. Dissemination
Please describe what has been done to disseminate the results of the activities carried out to date, both within the framework of the project and outside the project. In particular, you should refer to the definition of tasks and the dissemination channels used to make the project results available to larger beneficiary groups. If a web site for the project has been created, please provide the address. If there have been any unexpected positive secondary effects from project activities, please describe them in this section. Please indicate any change which occurred in comparison with the original plans for dissemination and the activities you plan to carry out before the end of the project, to disseminate the project results.
Several activities related to the project dissemination process has been carried out. This activity is going on by selecting many routes i.e using the project website “tempusolive.com”. , participating in the national agricultural exhibitions and the national olive and olive products festivals and scientific days such as attending the V olive biotech held in Amman by Nov. 2014; participating in the olive festival in Alhusainiyah (south of Jordan) in October 2014; arranging an olive scientific workshop in Amman with the cooperation of Amman Industry Chamber on 20th December 2014; arranging an olive scientific day in Irbid city with the cooperation of Irbid Agri. Directorate on 22th Nov.2014 ; arranging an olive scientific workshop in Karak city with the cooperation of Jordanian Agri. Engineers Assoc. on 13th December 2014; participating in the scientific days held in Muta and Alhuson Universities in April 2015 (wp5/d1). Two of the most important activities of the project i.e the kick-off meeting held in Amman (June 2014) and the 1st manage meeting held in Verona/Italy (Feb.2015), were covered by media presses, national magazines as well as the project web site.
- XII. Sustainability
A project is 'sustainable' when it continues to deliver benefits to the project beneficiaries and/or other target groups for an extended period after the EU’s financial assistance has ended. Sustainability may not be relevant for all aspects of a project; in each project some activities or results may be continued, while it may not be necessary to continue others. Sustainability is relevant for issues such as: academic/socio-economic/institutional support (describe the measures undertaken to formalise or institutionalise any links with local non-university partners, to obtain official accreditation of new curricula, etc.), involvement of members from the beneficiaries (institutions)(ownership/motivation), effective management and leadership, active participation of the target group, forecast of needs, availability of resources to continue, making the most of results achieved and a measurable medium/long term impact (long-lasting effects of project cooperation, as well as impact on the beneficiaries (institutions) and target groups). Please explain which of your planned activities and results must be maintained to make your project sustainable. Describe which measures have been taken so far to realistically ensure the continuity of those activities and results beyond the original life- cycle of the project (even when the project is no longer financed by Tempus). Please indicate any changes which occurred in comparison with the original plans and the activities you plan to carry out before the end of the project in order to ensure sustainability.
The olive training centre in UJ and its two branches in the north and south of Jordan will continue offering training courses and seminars to olive farmers, olive mills personnel, table olive personnel as well as establishing olive and olive oil sensory teams.
The website of the project will also continue working and providing information related to olive subjects.
The two laboratories in the olive training centre (the 1st is the sensory lab. While the second is the chemical one) is planned to be accredited before the end of the project, to be qualified to offer services in the field of olive and olive oil sensory and chemical analysis.
Strengthening the cooperation with the ministry of agriculture, the association of agricultural engineers as well as the International Olive Council will aid in achieving the above tasks.
Fees taken from the training process, sensory and chemical analysis as well as from the website will constitute available resources for the project sustainability.
- XIII. Quality control and monitoring
Please describe what monitoring activities the beneficiaries carry out, in order to assess whether the project proceeds according to the workplan. Please describe the strategy for internal and external evaluation of project results and include measurable quality indicators for progress. In addition to the project results (courses, publications, new institutional structures, etc), you should also pay attention to the project management strategy. In particular, explain what instruments you use to ensure effective quality control (i.e. the Logframe approach, feedback questionnaires for evaluations or surveys, swot analysis, etc.) and who is involved in evaluation (i.e. committee(s), validation commission(s), accreditation board(s), etc.). For external evaluation, please mention the role of independent experts or peer reviewers providing a summary of their evaluation plan and report(s). Please indicate the activities carried out to date, any change which occurred in comparison with the original plans and the activities you plan to carry out before the end of the project.
The project work-plan has 3 management meetings; the 1st has been held in Verona by Feb. 2015 and the steering committee assessed how the activities of the project proceeds. In June 2014, the kick-off meeting took its place in Amman and an evaluation process for how the project proceeds was carried out.
Additionally, the Jordanian partners used to hold a bi-weekly meeting and assess how the project proceeds. Furthermore, there is a monthly meeting for the project high administrative and financial committee and the agenda for that meeting concentrates on how the project proceeds.
A financial expert have been appointed for the project by April 2015 and he will take care with the financial matter of the project. Finally, before the end of the project, an external auditor will be asked to audit the project.
- XIV. Gender balance
Please explain to what extent the principle of equal opportunities has been taken into account in the project implementation (i.e. gender analysis carried out, presence of women in decision-making bodies, balanced percentage share of women among the teachers or the enrolled students, etc.). Describe how the project helped to promote gender balance and to identify and address factors influencing gender discrimination.
How the principle of equal opportunity has been taken into consideration in the project implementation?
a. Two ladies are among the steering committee of the project, they have their share in decision making
b. The administrative team of the project consists of 4 people where two of them are female
c. Number of students working in the project reached to 5 and all are female
d. In the student exchange process, 50 % of the students are female
e. A decision was taken in the 1st management meeting regarding the visit to Spain by the distinguished trainees, that decision dictates that 50 % of the participants should be female
- Any other comment
Please provide in this entry, any relevant information you think might be useful for the assessment of your project's implementation (i.e. synergies with other projects, any support from external environment, networking with professional bodies, etc.).
Statistics and Indicators
This section aims to gather statistical data and indicators of performance for the period covered by this Intermediate Report
Please indicate whether your project has links, targets or objectives related to teacher training |
Please indicate whether your project has links, targets or objectives related to Vocational Education and Training |
Qualification levels addressed by the project |
Please indicate whether your project has links, targets or objectives related to programmes at : |
Enter the code of the partner country concerned
in the first lines and figures in the second and third: |
Training of partner country staff and students |
Number of academic staff from the partner country’s Higher Education Institutions trained/retrained |
Please indicate the number of teaching staff (professors, assistants with teaching tasks, etc.) trained and/or retrained to the date of the report submission: |
Number of non-academic staff from the partner country’s Higher Education Institutions trained/retrained |
Please indicate the number University administrative staff (librarians, staff from the International Office, IT specialists, etc.) trained to the date of report submission: |
Number of staff from the partner country’s non Higher Education Institutions trained/retrained |
Please indicate the number of staff of non HEI (enterprises, NGOs, Chambers of Commerce, Government, local administration, etc.) trained to the date of report submission: |
Number of students from the partner countries who have attended programmes/courses developed in the framework of the project |
Please indicate the number of students from the partner countries that have been trained and/or retrained in the programmes/courses developed by the project to the date of report submission: |
Academic/administrative Staff mobility : Not yet |
Number of partner country - EU mobility flows of more than 2 weeks
Please indicate the number of partner country staffmobility flows from the partner country to the European Union to the date of report submission: |
Number of EU - partner country mobility flows of more than 2 weeks
Please indicate the number of European staff mobility flows from the European Union to the partner country to the date of report submission:
Number of partner country – partner country mobility flows of more than 2 weeks
Please indicate the number of staff mobility flows within the same partner country to the date of report submission: |
And between two different partner countries: Not yet |
Number of partner country - EU mobility flows of more than 2 weeks
Will start September 2015 |
Please indicate the number of partner country studentmobility flows from the partner country to the European Union to the date of report submission: |
Number of EU - partner country mobility flows of more than 2 weeks
Will start September 2015 |
Please indicate the number of European studentmobility flows from the European Union to the partner country to the date of report submission: |
Number of partner country – partner country mobility flows of more than two weeks |
Please indicate the number of student mobility flows within the same partner country to the date of report submission: Not yet |
And between two different partner countries: Not yet |
Links to European Higher Education policies |
Please indicate whether the project contributes to the introduction of diploma supplements in the Partner Country university/ies. |
The project will aid in strengthening the olive production and technology MSc program that will start September 2015 in the University of Jordan |
Adoption of a system based on three main cycles, undergraduate (Bachelor), postgraduate (Master) and Doctorate |
Please indicate whether your project contributes to the achievement of the adoption of a system based on three main cycles. |
Introduction of double/multiple or joint degrees |
Please indicate whether in the framework of your project the institutions involved plan to develop/issue double/multiple or joint degrees. |
Establishment of an ECTS system |
Please indicate whether your project contributes to the introduction and/or development of the European Credit Transfer System at the co-beneficiary partner university(ies). |
Promotion of quality assurance procedures at institutional or national level |
Please indicate whether the project contributes to developing of national qualifications frameworks and implementation at university level. |
Lifelong learning policies and approaches |
Please indicate whether your project contributes to developing lifelong learning approaches |
Modular curriculum structure |
Please indicate whether your project contributes to the promotion of modular curriculum structure. |
New teaching and learning methods |
Please indicate whether the project contributes to the development of new teaching/learning methods at the Partner Country university/ies. |
Please indicate whether the project contributes to the development of an e-learning strategy at the Partner Country university/ies. |
University/Enterprise cooperation |
Please indicate whether the project plans to encourage co-operation between the Partner Country university/ies and the private sector. |
Links between the labour market and degree programmes |
Please indicate whether the new/restructured curriculum/curricula responds directly to the needs of the local and national labour market through internships, intensive training in the field, etc. |
Links with other EU education programmes |
Please indicate whether your project is directly linked to other EU education Programmes (other than Tempus) such as Erasmus Mundus or the Life Long Learning Programme. |
If yes, please indicate with which EU educational programme your project is linked: |
Table of achieved / planned results
Title and reference number of the work package (WP) |
Indicators of achievement and or/performance as indicated in the project proposal |
Activities carried out to date for the achievement of this result:
Description of the activity carried out |
Specific and measurable indicators of achievement |
Activities to be carried out for the achievement of this outcome (entire project period: 2 or 3 years)
Description of the activity to be carried out |
Specific and measurable indicators of progress |
Changes that have occurred in this result since the original proposal:
Table of achieved / planned results
Title and reference number of the work package (WP1) |
Building the main training centre at UJ and other 2 branches, one in the North of Jordan at JUST and the 2nd in the South of Jordan at MU
Indicators of achievement and or/performance as indicated in the project proposal |
One main olive training centre and two other branches are existed and start their activities in building capacity of personnel in olive sector
Activities carried out to date to achieve this result:
Description of the activity carried out |
Specific and measurable indicators of achievement |
Establishing the main training center and its 2 branches |
The building of the main centre is ready |
The engineering unit in UJ nominated a committee from 5 persons to check and receive the building from the contractor |
Purchasing the needed equipment |
The process for this activity is going on |
The Tender unit in UJ nominated a committee from 4 persons to study and analyse the received quotations |
Establishing the 3 sensory and 2 chemical labs |
The process for this activity is going on |
The engineering unit in UJ is looking for a subcontractor to perform this activity |
Project dissemination meeting to be held in Amman in 2014 |
The dissemination meeting took place in Jordan |
The minutes of the meeting are being published on the website of the project |
1st management meeting to be held in Italy in 2014 |
The 1st management meeting took place in Italy |
The minutes of the meeting are being published on the website of the project |
Activities to be carried out to achieve this outcome (before the end of the project)
Description of the activity to be carried out |
Specific and measurable indicators of progress |
Establishing the main training center and its 2 branches |
The building of the main centre is ready |
The engineering unit in UJ nominated a committee from 5 persons to check and receive the building from the contractor |
Purchasing the needed equipment |
After selecting the proper quotation, the manufacturer to be contacted, a letter of credit with the needed price to be opened, the manufacturer to transport the machinery to Jordan and start the installation and training process |
The olive press and table olive line starts offering training courses |
Establishing the 3 sensory and 2 chemical labs |
The selected subcontractor will shortly start dealing with the needed laboratories |
The laboratories start working and provide the analysis activities |
Changes that have occurred in this result since the original proposal:
The end date of the activities in this work-package was modified in the 1st management meeting. As example, the building of the training centre was planned to be ready by December 2014 instead of June 2015, the same also apply for disseminating meeting which took place in June 2014 instead of Jan. 2014; the 1stmanagement meeting took place in Feb. 2015 instead of July 2014 and so on.
For more details please see item II. Coherence with the workplan and comments on deviations and modifications
Changes that have occurred in this result since the original proposal:
Please add as many tables as necessary.
Table of achieved / planned results
Title and reference number of the work package (WP2) |
Indicators of achievement and or/performance as indicated in the project proposal |
Having a trained and well qualified personnel in olive sector
Activities carried out to date to achieve this result:
Description of the activity carried out |
Specific and measurable indicators of achievement |
Workshops for olive farmers trainers |
This training activity is in its preparation stage |
Workshops for table olive personnel trainers |
Workshops for olive mill personnel trainers |
Establishing three sensory team trainers for olive oil and table olives |
Visit of distinguished trainees for 1 week to Spain |
Activities to be carried out to achieve this outcome (before the end of the project)
Description of the activity to be carried out |
Specific and measurable indicators of progress |
Workshops for olive farmers trainers |
The training to be one week in 2015 and another week in 2016 (5 working days) on several subjects related to olive production and handling |
Samples from the olive oil produced by the trained farmers, to be evaluated using the (IOC) standards. |
Workshops for table olive personnel trainers |
The training to be one week in 2015 and another week in 2016 (5 working days) on several subjects related to table olive processing and quality |
Samples from the table olive produced by the trained table olive personnel to be evaluated using the (IOC) standards. |
Workshops for olive mill personnel trainers |
The training to be one week in 2015 and another week in 2016 (5 working days) on several subjects related to olive pressing and technology |
The quality of olive oil samples taken from olive mills related to the trainees will be assessed before and after training |
Establishing three sensory team trainers for olive oil and table olives |
The training to be one week in 2015 and another week in 2016 (5 working days) on the sensory properties of table olive and olive oil |
The improvement of the table olive and olive oil exports share in inerter-national market |
Visit of distinguished trainees for 1 week to Spain |
Visit to Spain by distinguished trainees, will be selected using high transparent method. The ratio of female will be not less than 50% |
The visit will be covered by a press conference, advertising in the local magazines as well as the project web site |
Changes that have occurred in this result since the original proposal: No changes occurred
Title and reference number of the work package (WP3) |
Staff and graduate students exchange and courses developing
Indicators of achievement and or/performance as indicated in the project proposal |
Two undergraduate courses and 2 graduate courses had been developed and taught
At least four graduate students had been visited the partner EU universities and have conducted part of their practical work their.
Activities carried out to date to achieve this result:
Description of the activity carried out |
Specific and measurable indicators of achievement |
Staff exchange and courses developing |
The Jordanian partners will start their staff exchange in the EU partner universities by June 2015, they will conduct some seminars and have training in determination of volatiles in Jordanian olive oil samples. EU partners have not yet fixed specific dates for their staff exchange in Jordan
Seminars and workshops related to olive and olive oil took place and were attended by EU graduate students. The Jordanian staff have training on the use of advanced instrumentation in
Graduate students exchange |
Project 2nd management meeting to be held in Amman in 2015 |
Activities to be carried out to achieve this outcome (before the end of the project)
Description of the activity to be carried out |
Specific and measurable indicators of progress |
Staff exchange and courses developing |
The Jordanian partners will continue their staff exchange in the EU partner universities in 2016. EU partners is expected to start their staff exchange in Jordan by October 2015 and will concentrate on teaching tasks and courses developing
Seminars and workshops related to olive and olive oil took place and were attended by EU graduate students. The EU staff have developed the courses related to olive and olive oil |
Graduate students exchange |
This activity is under process; communications are being conducted to fix the timing and place for all students to be exchanged either Jordanian or EU students |
The graduate studentseither from EU or Jordan had been performed part of their practical work in the hosting institute
Project 2nd management meeting to be held in Amman in 2015 |
The project coordinator to start next August contacting the partners and preparing the agenda and arranging the meeting |
Having the minutes of the meeting |
Changes that have occurred in this result since the original proposal: No changes occurred
Title and reference number of the work package (WP4) |
Creating a web site and hosting an international olive products congress
Indicators of achievement and or/performance as indicated in the project proposal |
The web site of the project is working actively and an international olive products congress had been arranged.
Activities carried out to date to achieve this result:
Description of the activity carried out |
Specific and measurable indicators of achievement |
The website of the project was created by June 2014. It can be reached using the link "tempusolive.com“. Up-dating the website is going on |
The web site of the project
Hosting the olive products conference in October 2016
Dr. Kostas will start working for this activity by the start of June 2015 and to provide the partners with an outline. It was decided to hold the congress in October 2016 or in March 2017 if the project was extended for 6 months |
An international olive products congress had been arranged.
A proceeding has been issued from the olive conference |
The 3rd management meetings to be held in Jordan in October 2016 |
Activities to be carried out to achieve this outcome (before the end of the project)
Description of the activity to be carried out |
Specific and measurable indicators of progress |
Up-dating the website is going on |
The web site of the project is working actively |
Hosting the olive products conference in October 2016 |
Prof. Kostas will continue working for this activity with the cooperation of Prof. Alsaed. Scientific , administrative and other committees to be nominated; flyers regarding the congress registration and fixed dates to receive the abstracts and full papers to be distributed. |
An international olive products congress had been arranged.
A proceeding has been issued from the olive conference |
The 3rd management meetings to be held in Jordan in October 2016 |
The project coordinator to start by September 2016 contacting the partners and preparing the agenda and arranging the meeting |
Having the minutes of the meeting |
Changes that have occurred in this result since the original proposal: No changes occurred
Title and reference number of the work package (WP5) |
Management and quality control |
Indicators of achievement and or/performance as indicated in the project proposal |
Activities carried out to date to achieve this result:
Description of the activity carried out |
Specific and measurable indicators of achievement |
Having a successful management for the project |
The project work-plan has one disseminating and 3 management meetings where the steering committee assess how the activities of the project proceeds.
Additionally, the Jordanian partners used to hold a bi-weekly meeting and assess how the project proceeds.
Before the end of the project, an external auditor will be asked to audit the project and present his report |
Having a high quality project |
There is a monthly meeting for the project high administrative and financial committee and the agenda for that meeting concentrates on how the project proceeds.
A financial expert have been appointed for the project by April 2015 and he is taking care with the financial matter of the project.
Before the end of the project, an external auditor will be asked to audit the project and present his report |
Activities to be carried out to achieve this outcome (before the end of the project)
Description of the activity to be carried out |
Specific and measurable indicators of progress |
Having a successful management for the project |
The work in this activity is continuing |
Before the end of the project, an external auditor will be asked to audit the project and present his report |
Having a high quality project |
The work in this activity is continuing |
Before the end of the project, an external auditor will be asked to audit the project and present his report |
Changes that have occurred in this result since the original proposal: No changes occurred
Title and reference number of the work package (WP6) |
Dissemination and sustainability |
Indicators of achievement and or/performance as indicated in the project proposal |
The project will continue giving its services related to the Jordanian olive sector after ending of EU funding i.e. the web site is working effectively, the laboratories are working efficiently and the training activities are going on |
Activities carried out to date to achieve this result:
Description of the activity carried out |
Specific and measurable indicators of achievement |
Disseminating the project activities
This activity is going on by selecting many routes i.e using the project website “tempusolive.com”. , participating in the national agricultural exhibitions and the national olive and olive products festivals and scientific days. Two of the most important activities of the project i.e the Disseminating meeting held in Amman (June 2014) and the 1st manage meeting held in Verona/Italy (Feb.2015), were covered by media presses, national magazines as well as the project web site.
The project website “tempusolive.com” will continue working effectively. Face-book as well as U-tube to be used besides the web site in disseminating the activities of the project |
Sustainability and continuation of the project
The olive training centre in UJ and its two branches in the north and south of Jordan will continue offering training courses and seminars to olive farmers, olive mills personnel, table olive personnel as well as establishing olive and olive oil sensory teams.
The website of the project will also continue working and providing information related to olive subjects.
The 5 established laboratories is planned to be accredited after the end of the project (2017/2018), to be qualified to offer services in the field of olive and olive oil sensory and chemical analysis.
Fees taken from the training process, sensory and chemical analysis as well as from the website will constitute available resources for the project sustainability.
The project will continue giving its services related to the Jordanian olive sector after ending of EU funding i.e. the web site is working effectively, the laboratories are working efficiently and the training activities are going on |
Activities to be carried out to achieve this outcome (before the end of the project)
Description of the activity to be carried out |
Specific and measurable indicators of progress |
Disseminating the project activities
This activity is working continuously for 132 weeks and as was mentioned above |
Sustainability and continuation of the project
This activity is working continuously for 88 weeks and as was mentioned above |
Changes that have occurred in this result since the original proposal: No changes occurred
Summary Report for Publication
Capacity Building of Personnel in Jordanian Olive Industry
Improving the quality of Jordanian olive sector
Having qualified personnel with good training in
- Olive farming (proper practices covering olive production , harvesting, handling and storage.
- Table olives and olive oil processing technology,
- c. Sensory evaluation, physico-chemical analysis and others,
- Such qualified personnel will aid in improving the quality of the Jordanian table olives and olive oil to comply with the IOC standards.
-Construction of olive training centre and installing an experimental olive press and table olive line
-Establishing the sensory and chemical laboratories as well as the web site
-Training of farmers and olive mill Personnel and establishing sensory teams
-Conferences and workshops |
Signing the agreements between UJ and EACEA and UJ and partners
The assessing quality study for local olive and olive oil has been completed
Carrying out activities related to the project dissemination process
Having the monitoring field visit, arranging the dissemination and the 1st management meetings
Establishing the olive training centre and its 2 branches and creating the project web site
The specifications for the olive equipment and labs are completed and quotations are under study
The training activities for personnel in Jordanian olive industry will start in August 2015
The staff exchange activity will start this month (June 2015) while the student exchange activity will start by September 2015.
The olive congress activity is being prepared these days |
statement of the costs incurred
Tempus project no. ______________
- Column “1. Project Costs” and Column “3. Project Finance”: please input the estimated budget of the project as indicated in Annex II of your Grant Agreement or in subsequent amendments to Annex II.
- Columns under “2. Project Expenditure to date”: please indicate the expenditure made to date (paid directly from the Tempus grant and/or co-financed). The declared amounts must represent amounts actually paid (meaning that a disbursement has been made) and NOT committed amounts.
Estimated budget of the project (Annex II) |
Travel costs and Costs of Stay |
Total from the Tempus grant |
In accordance with Article I.4 and II.23 (Annex VI) of the Grant Agreement of this project, I hereby confirm that (please tick the appropriate box):
p I have already spent 70% of the first installment of pre-financing, and thus request the second installment of pre-financing to the following bank account:
IBAN[4] ______________________________
p I have not yet spent 70% of the first installment of pre-financing, and thus do not request the second installment of pre-financing.
Date and signature of the legal representative of the co-ordinator (institution):
Date:_______________ Signature:_________________
................. - ............... .....................................
Country code Postal code City |
This page of the form will be returned to you on receipt of your Intermediate Report. Therefore please enter your name and address in the box above. Please remember to send in this page with each of your reports.
under the Tempus programme.
Done at ........................................, Date ...............................
Declaration, duly signed by the contact person and the legal representative of the co-ordinator (institution) – Annex IV/2
Report on implementation of the project – Annex IV/3-5
Statistics and Indicators – Annex IV/6-8
Table of achieved/planned results – Annex IV/9-10
Summary Report for Publication – Annex IV/11
Statement of the costs incurred and Request for Payment – Annex IV/12
Acknowledgement of receipt – Annex IV/13
[1] Indirect costs may not be co-financed (point 8.4, Guidelines for the use of the grant).
[2] As indicated in art. I.3 of the Grant Agreement and Annex II.
[3] As indicated in art. I.3 of the Grant Agreement and Annex II..
[4] BIC code for countries where the IBAN code does not apply.
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