Kick off meeting

Meeting minutes for the Tempus  project entitled (Building capacity of personnel in Jordanian  olive industry)

Prof. Dr. Ali Al-Saed (Coordinator, University of Jordan)

Date: June, 23- 24- 2014)

Place: University of Jordan

-Agenda :

1- achieved activities in the 1st 6 months

2- Equipment quotations

3- Financial affairs

4- Grant and partner agreement


Monday,  23 June 2014

-The 1st session: Kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting started at Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Jordan on Monday 23/6/2014. Registration started at   10:30 am and opening session at 11:00 am. During registration participant were provided with a file containing meeting agenda and project brochures. During the kick-off meeting the coordinator (prof. Ali Al-Saed) gave a presentation  about Tempus projects in general and results of 2013 call as well as olive project and its aims. Each EU partner gave a short word about his university and its activities. The kick-off meeting was ended by a word from the rector of UJ.

-The 2nd session: Reviewing the Tempus project (Budget, Work plan, Agreement)

Partner discussed in details the project proposal concentrating on matters related to olive training center, laboratories to be established, needed equipment and machinery. The master program for olive production and technology was also discussed as well as exchange of staff and students.

Training Activities for olive farmers, olive mills, table olive and olive sensory teams were also covered. Discussions related to establishing website for the project as well as the international olive congress were also included.



Tuesday June 24 2014

3rd  and 4th  sessions : Distribution of the twenty deliverables of the 6th work packages:

 - Meeting with Jordan University Rector

The session started after all partners (Jordanian and EU) met with the JU president.

During the meeting the amount of sixty thousands (60,000) JDs was assigned to build the training center up within the premises of the University of Jordan. The installation should be ready and fully equipped within three months from the date of this meeting in order to fulfill the obligation of the Tempus project on time. The rector promised to address the prime minister’s office and make a petition  for exempting the purchasing of equipment necessary  for the training center from the common university supplying process; such exemption will aid in having the needed equipment with lower prices and shorter time.

After the meeting with UJ rector,the discussions were continued at the meeting room at Hamdi Manko center under the coordination of prof.Ali al-Saed .

The major points discussed were :

1. Distribution of the twenty deliverables of the 6th work packages on the project partners


-D1 : Prof. Alsaed  , Prof .Rababah , Dr.Ajo , Prof. Al-Absi

-D2 : Prof. Fabio ,Jordanian team (JO team )

-D3 : JO team

-D4 : JO team

-D5 : Prof. Alsaed , Prof. Fabio , Miss. Daghmish , Mrs. Alzubi


-D1 : JO team , JOPEA , Prof. Kostas

-D2 : JO team , EU partners

-D3 : Prof. Fabio, JO team , Prof. Kostas

-D4 : Prof. Al-Ismail , Prof. Kostas , JOPEA

-D5 : prof. Antonio , Miss.Daghmish , Prof. Alsaed , Mrs.Alzubi ,Miss. Alzaidat


-D1 :  Prof. Al-Ismail, JO team

-D2 : Prof. Alsaed, all partners

-D3 : Prof. Alsaed, all partners


-D1 : Prof. Alsaed

-D2 : prof. Kostas

-D3 : Prof. Alsaed, all partners


-D1 : JO team, Prof. Fabio

-D2 : JO team, prof. Fabio


-Miss. Daghmish , Mrs. Alzubi, JO team

Each working group will be headed by the first name of the team


2. A Jordanian committee to study the status of Jordan olive sector before starting the project activities were proposed by EU partners.

The meeting ended at 5:30 Tuesday 24/6/2014.


  • was held in presence of the followings:


-Prof. Dr. Khalid Alsamael ((Partner, Jordan Society of Sensory Evaluation of Foods)

-Prof. Dr. Taha rababaah (Partner, University of Science and Technology)

-Prof. Dr. Khalid AlAbsi(Partner, University of Muta)

-Dr. radwan  Ajo (Partner, Balqa Applied University)

-Prof. Kostas Chartzoulakis (ELGO, Institute for Olive tree and Subtropical Plants, Greece)

-Prof. Maria Tsimidou (Partner, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

-Prof. Dr. Antonio Segura ((Partner, University of Granada, Spain).

-Prof. Dr. Fabio Favati (Partner, University of Verona, Italy).

-Miss. Ruba Daghmish(Partner, Jordan Olive producers Experts association)

-Mrs. Rabaa AlZubi (Administrative Expert)

-Miss.Haneen alzaidat ( secretary project)
