ICT4EDU 3rd Management Meeting
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The in-person meeting took place in Al-Azhar University, Cairto, Egypt during the period 13th-14th Feburary, 2024. The meeting was attended by by 54
persons physically and 4 persons online by partners from Jordan, Egypt, Palestine, Cyprus, Romania, Portugal and Italy.
Welcome speeches were given by Al-Azhar
University President, and Al-Azhar
University Vice president, the
Director of the International Excellence Office of Al-Azhar University and Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, the general coordinator for ICT4EDU project.
The meeting activities included the partners presenting the progress of their workpackages and discussing upcoming tasks. A workshop took place in 4
panels where MENA and EU partners discussed the updating of courses progress
and implementation.
Agenda - 3rd Management Meeting at Cairo Feb.2024.pdf
Participants List:
Participants list - 3rd Management Meeting.pdf
Minutes of Meeting (MoM):
MOM ICT4EDU Cairo Meeting.pdf