
ماجستير انتاج و تصنيع الزيتون
الخطة الدراسية - إضغط هنا
The MSc. program in “Olive Production and Processing” was established in 2015 as an outcome of the European Union funded project “Capacity building for personnel in Jordanian Olive industry”. The program is based on the standards of the International Olive Council and aims on preparation of specialists in the field of olive agricultural and processing practices such as: fertilization, plowing, pruning, fruit thinning, pest management, oil extraction and filling, testing of olive pickles and olive oil. Olive sector is considered as one of the corner stones for economic and social developments in Jordan and neighboring countries. There is also a recent increase in awareness of "healthy foods" consumption such as olives and olive oil. Olives and olive oil have a distinguished nutritional and health values, which is of a great importance, due to the increment in the rates of chronic illnesses.
The establishment of the olive program was in response to the raising demand for specialists in this field both locally and regionally, as this program is considered unique regionally. The program is a joint project between the department of Nutrition and Food Technology and the department of Horticulture and Crop Science at the University of Jordan. The thesis track, compose of 33 credit hours; 15 hours are obligatory, 9 hours are elective, and 9 hours thesis. It is to be lectured by 9 faculty members from the department of Nutrition and Food Technology and the department of Horticulture and Crop Science and four academic members from European universities specialized in olive production/ processing and participated in the capacity building project.
Objectives of the program
-     Prepare specialists in the field of olive production that have knowledge and technical skills to establish and manage olive orchard and to develop the appropriate agricultural practices.
-     Preparing specialists in the field of olive processing that have skills and knowledge to promote capability to conduct processing, quality analysis and classifying of olives and olive oil.
-     Preparing specialists that have knowledge in scientific research as well as foundation of national center for research, that both have a great role in solving technical issues in olive industry.
-     Establishing cooperative relations with local, regional and international institutions in the field of olive and olive oil production and research such as: the National Center of Agricultural Research and Extension, the Olive Office in Jordan and the International Olive Council (IOC).