
تقرير انجازات المشروع سبتمبر- نوفمبر 2016- الدكتورة غدير مهيار

Sept 2016-Nov 2016

-          Getting the approval for the new coordinator and the extension of the project for six month conditioned with completing all the project activities.


-          Supervision the visiting student Nuria Husillos from the University of Granada/ Spain for nine weeks (25 Sep till 30 Nov 2017).


-          Conducting all arrangements and carryout the five workshops at the university of Jordan and JUST and MU. The workshops were: olive milling (at UJ), olive pickling (at UJ), and farm trainer workshop (at UJ, JUST and MU). During the workshops the following professors participated in the workshops, therefore they were accompanied with me during the workshops at the University of Jordan.


-          The pre-agenda and the expected expenditure for the final work shop are prepared and the rest of the presenters to be invited.


-          Supervising solving the problems for getting better extraction rate of the olive mill.


-          The place that first arranged for the installation of the pickling line is not suitable according to the Turkish expert. Therefore, a new place was prepared for the installation which was previously the food processing lab. The cleaning and construction work are currently conducted to prepare a new place for pickling line installation.


-          Reviewing the financial reports of AUTH, UGR, JOPEA, UV, ELGO, and JUST for sending the missed supporting documents. Documents of the AUTH are completed but the total expending did not reach 70% of the first installation. Both UGR and JOPEA were asked for the missed supporting documents.


-          Supervising the process of collecting documents for the UJ financial report. All documents are being scanned and categorized into sub files.



-          Samples (250 ml oil + 10 Kg olives) from 4 farmers from each north, central and south are now collected. The preparations for their testing are conducted to be tested inside the department of Nutrition and Food Technology and the olive samples to be pressed in the small mill.


-          Dr. Muhammed Al-Batsh (previous deputy of the UJ present) was contacted to resign the agreement between the UJ and JSSEF.


-          The preparation of the project website and the final workshop poster and the web page were followed and the cover page of the final workshop flyer is prepared.


-          The rules for selection the trainees to visit the University of Granada/ spain for one week were set and they are: the exam marks, the location of work and then by the withdrawal.


-          The primary report of Dr. Ali was reviewed and to be updated.


-          Contact the Jordanian Organization for standardization and meteorology for knowing the rules and regulations for tests accreditation in the olive center labs.


The Project coordinator

Ghadeer Mehyar

Project Achievements
02 Jan, 2017