The Master of Diplomatic Studies is a professional program that prepares students for a future in foreign affairs, journalism, or business. This program combines a traditional approach to the study of international relations with practical training in the techniques of contemporary diplomacy and international negotiations. Political and economic problems today invariably transcend national boundaries. This means that the international agenda encompasses scientific, technological, cultural, and humanitarian concerns, as well as the more traditional area of diplomatic activity. From this perspective, the Master of Diplomatic Studies program is designed to equip students with the necessary tools and methodologies to excel in all fields of international relations.
PostgraduateInternational Relations and Regional Studies
International Relations and Regional Studies
The Master of Conflict Resolution allows students to develop skills in negotiation, mediation, control, and reconciliation that are essential for a comprehensive understanding of conflict resolution and management. This Program equips students with the methodological and analytical skills to assess and critique conflicts and conflict resolution policies in the contemporary world. With these skills, students will also be able to critique and improve upon conflict resolution practices. Moreover, the Program is devoted to preparing students with the knowledge and training required for a career in business, political organizations, diplomatic organizations, governmental and international organizations, and non-governmental organizations.
PostgraduateInternational Relations and Regional Studies
International Relations and Regional Studies
Established under royal patronage in 2008, this Program aims to spread a culture of human rights promotion and protection as well as study and develop theories and practices of human development. Working in coordination with University degli Studi di Pavia, Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori di Pavia and the Universita degli Studi di Padova, this Program aims to equip graduate students with extensive methodological training to analyze and develop the contemporary paradigms and theories of this field.
The program is also in coordination with the Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA). Based in Harvard and created by world-class economist and development theorist Amartya Sen, the HDCA promotes inter-disciplinary research on development problems related to impoverishment, justice, and well-being.
This Human Rights and Human Development Program incorporates human rights as a fundamental criterion for the measurement of human development and is the first program in the region to bridge the scientific gap between human rights and human development. Since its establishment, the Program has contributed to the body of scientific knowledge concerning human rights and human development and has also cultivated a network of local, regional, and global research collaboration. By providing a multidimensional theoretical and practical approach to the field of human rights and human development, the Program provides students with the skills to compete locally and internationally as well as to further global understanding and promotion of human rights and human development.
PostgraduateInternational Development
International Development
The United States of America's power and policies impacts countries all over the globe. Due to the United State's influential role, especially in impacting the politics of the Middle East, the American Studies Program seeks to provide deeper knowledge of the United States within a global context. This Program is the first of its kind in Jordan and is academically unique in the region. The Program provides students with an opportunity to engage with a rich and diverse culture and a modern, dynamic economy and society that have experienced enormous change and growth since its establishment. It also aims at equipping students with the necessary methodological and analytical skills to analyze and critique the United States’ foreign policy with special emphasis placed on its policy in the Middle East.
PostgraduateInternational Relations and Regional Studies
International Relations and Regional Studies
Master of Political Science program provides students with the skills solid methodology for the study and analysis of political science. By focusing on new models and theories and methodologies, the program seeks to create a new generation of scientists able to apply these practices to contemporary political issues. Program and engage students in the Faculty of critical inquiry on a wide range of topics. Students learn about the local and regional politics, international, comparative politics and international relations, and political theory.
PostgraduatePolitical Science
Political Science
The Middle Eastern Studies Program will be launched in the fall of 2013 and will be taught in the English language. The Middle Eastern Studies program is designed to equip students with scientific knowledge of the paradigms and diverse theoretical and methodological approaches to assist students in the study of the Middle East, its complexities, and the vital role it plays in world politics. The Program will consist of students from around the world coming to study about the Middle East. This culturally diverse atmosphere provides a unique opportunity through which to study the rich history, culture, policies, economics, religion, and philosophy of the Middle East.
PostgraduateInternational Relations and Regional Studies
International Relations and Regional Studies
Established in 2013, this is a value-based interdisciplinary program which focuses on issues of poverty, human development and environmental challenges in the Middle East and Africa. In collaboration with Lund University, the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Cologne University of Applied Sciences, as well as the Open Mind Academy, this program offers students methodological and applied skills for assessing and working on contemporary global challenges.
The programs aims to bring in students from around the world and equip them with leadership skills and a deep understanding of social development, capacity building and entrepreneurship based on a mindset of humanistic values for social responsibility: respect for one another, compassion and tolerance. In keeping with the globalized nature of the program, students will spend a semester studying at the partnering universities. Practical application of their acquired knowledge and skills will be practiced through required summer internships. The courses focus on highly relevant subjects such as: global challenges and opportunities, global governance, management and leadership, water management, agriculture, environment, and public health.
PostgraduateInternational Development
International Development



Established 2013, this Program aims to train students to assess and develop integrated methods of promoting sustainable development. In partnership with Columbia University’s Institute in Jordan, this Program provides a framework through which to address this preventable human suffering and ensure "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" (Brundlandt Commission, 1987).

The Development Practices Program will analyze policies and programs of poverty alleviation and development policies and practices. This Program uses an interdisciplinary approach that equips students with necessary methodological and research skills for promoting sustainable development. The program aims to build national capacity for local and regional sustainable development through research and application of research. The program focuses on perspectives and theories of development policies and procedures, sustainability, and economic issues related to human development. With this major, students will be able to compete at an international level as well as contribute to the research and applied fields of sustainable development.
PostgraduateInternational Development
International Development
Launched in 2012, the Latin American Studies Center aims at promoting relations between the Arab and Latin American regions. Both regions share many key similarities in terms of histories, cultures, goals, and challenges. A partnership between these two Global South regions is mutually advantageous and critical in light of these similarities and the previous lack of scholastic collaboration. The Center will create a new generation of scholars specializing in Latin American studies and production of new intercultural knowledge.

As the only institute in the region to host a Latin American Studies Center, UJ seeks to establish itself as a center for intercultural collaboration and research production. The center will educate students on the socio-cultural, political, economic, and theological characteristics and issues of Latin America. It will also encourage student and faculty exchange between the two regions in order to foster scholastic cooperation and coordinated research possibilities.
Other ProgramsResearch Centers
Research Centers
Established in 2013, the Institute works on a national and regional level to assess and enhance the electoral process and its body of knowledge. The phenomenon of the "Arab Spring" and its emphasis placed on democratic elections highlights the necessity for a regional approach towards promoting a professional, transparent and accountable electoral process.

The Institute has three primary national functions: 1) to provide Jordanian electoral practitioners and parliamentarians with electoral policy guidance through research, consultations, studies, and workshops; 2) to develop an open source library of reports, information, and data about the Jordanian electoral process; and 3) to offer opportunities for practitioners and students to participate in electoral fellowships and studies with Election Management Bodies (EMBs) and international organizations.  Regionally, the Institute serves as a research center for EMBs, parliaments, and other universities on electoral policy and practice as well as serving as the on-going secretariat for a regional association of election officials. The Institute's research, policies, and initiatives will help to strengthen civil society locally and regionally as well as create a generation of scholars engaged in strengthening the democratic and electoral process.
Other ProgramsResearch Centers
Research Centers
Political Science program provides students with the skills solid methodology for the study and analysis of political science. By focusing on new models and theories and methodologies, the program seeks to create a new generation of scientists able to apply these practices to contemporary political issues. Program and engage students in the Faculty of critical inquiry on a wide range of topics. Students learn about the local and regional politics, international, comparative politics and international relations, and political theory.
UndergraduatePolitical Science
Political Science