Expected Project Results
The strategic objectives will be achieved through the activities that will be undertaken under the eight work packages described later in the text. The  project’s results are  closely linked to the intended objectives, as indicated below:
Related to Strategic Objective 1: Building a national and regional shared knowledge base
  1. A national network established in at least 6 countries of the South East  Mediterranean Region. In principle, the following  countries are of priority:  Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Turkey.
  2. Increased structured national and regional information system on gender issues related to water resources development and management made available to all potential users of the web site. In particular this information base  will cover at least the following aspects:
    • Gender analysis and participatory tools.
    • Definition of criteria  to enhance coordination of fragmented projects and initiatives already existing.
    • Methodologies for collection, analysis and use of gender-disaggregated data related to the use of water resources.
    • On-going research activities and related organizations.
    • Identification of  future research needs with particular attention to their potential funding by the EU research programmes.
    • Compilation of policies, institutions and laws that have contributed effectively to promote the participation of women.
    • Lessons learned in gender mainstreaming in IWRM.
  3. A comprehensive and agreed set of gender-sensitive indicators aimed at assessing the involvement of women and men in water resources development and management at national, regional, programme, project and local level.
Related to Strategic Objective 2: Enhance the cooperation and dialogue at regional and national level
  1. Improved cooperation  among partners and external organizations interested in this subject through the building of a regional network
  2. Improved coordination at national level by creating a National Coordination Committee to coordinate and disseminate the activities that are undertaken by different national  institutions  (universities, governmental agencies, research organizations, NGOs, citizen associations, women associations, international  organizations)  in the interface of gender and water use sectors.
  3. Structured channels for disseminating and exchanging  information.
  4. Greater awareness of the society in general and in the agricultural sector in particular of the importance of gender issues.
  5. Dissemination of  the results of the project to larger  audiences  by  organizing a Regional  Conference and allowing the access of general users to the information produced in the regional and national networks.
Related to Strategic Objective 3: Promote the adoption of national policies and other related instruments
  1. Review of existing national and regional policies and other related instruments in the water sector with a gender perspective.
  2. Improved institutional capacity to deal with needed institutional changes as result of the participation in the national seminars on “The Political and Institutional Dimensions of Gender Dimensions Integration in Water Resources Management”.
  3. A wider adoption of Integrated Water Resources Management approaches to ensure the access of women and men to the benefits of water and related services to promote the equitability and sustainability of the actions taken.
  4. Adoption of policies and/or other instruments (strategies, approaches, guidelines, incentives, legislation) promoting a gender mainstreaming in the planning, development and management of water resources.
Related to Strategic Objective 4. Improve the institutional capacity building
  1. Greater institutional capacity to promote gender mainstreaming  in IWRM as result of the participation in regional workshops, national seminars and training sessions.
  2. Adoption of participatory approaches in gender  training activities.
  3. Training packages, guides, kits and other training material will be available