Training workshop on quality control and career guidance

Saturday, 21/4/2018, King Hussein Business Complex, Building No. 13, Amman, Jordan

In cooperation with the GJU Vocational Training Center and Monojo Company, a workshop was organized on Total quality management and Career guidance for 20 GJU- students and staff.

The workshop was organized on the 21 of April 2018 and hosted at Consultations and Training Center- GJU. The sessions were:

Total Quality management and quality control / Mr. Hamza Salah, Researcher and expert in quality systems and certified trainer by specifications...

Interested to learn about World's first Open Source Embedded Platform Arduino !!!

We are organizing a 2-day Workshop on Arduino!

In cooperation with the UJ Vocational Training Center (VTC) and the Robotics and Electronics Students Club members, an Arduino microcontroller workshop will be held on Thursday 19 th and and Saturday 21 th July, 2018 at VTC.

This workshop will focus on getting you up and running with Arduino quickly, so that you wil...