About The Project


HEBA is a three years project started on October 15, 2017, and funded by the European Union through Erasmus+ programme.

 The project aims to reform and improve existing master programs in Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) on single technology and energy systems level, improving existing or establishing Centers/Laboratories of EE+RE in Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt.

The consortium will help the society to protect the earth. It will help in providing qualified professional resources capable of sustaining and managing the huge effort of EE+RE infrastructure development. Special emphasis will be given to advanced energy management. HEBA will be oriented to further development of the process of interaction with professional communities and reflects their requirements in the developed curriculum.

The EU experience is a major component in the success of the HEBA project. The courses/modules and adapted curricula within HEBA project should be based on the needs and challenges of the building/industry/energy sectors.

Specific Objectives:

HEBA establishes new modules on Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) that includes EU quality standards; promotion of students and Prof’s mobility; internationalization of education/training and the use of digital technologies in learning. 


The specific objectives are:

1. Increase the local competences on Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE);

2. Develop/reform new/existing master courses in EE+RE systems;

3. Train-the-Trainer courses for 90 MENA teachers;

4. Promote the dialogue between EU and higher education institutions in MENA countries in order to facilitate the reciprocal recognition of competences and credits, informing on EU University system: Bologna Process, Quality Evaluation and Internationalization;

5. Establish/improve centers/laboratories of EE+RE Technologies in every MENA partner country; they will collaborate with each other;

6. Promote the mobility of students and staff and the universities cooperation;

7. Contribute to guidelines for best practice for EE+RE in industry and buildings​

High Level Renewable and Energy Efficiency Master Courses

ERASMUS+ Programme – HEBA Project Number: 585740-EPP-1-2017-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
