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Second part of ICT4EDU project Kick-off Meeting (Physical Meeting) at The University of Jordan

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


Second part of ICT4EDU project Kick-off Meeting (Physical Meeting) at The University of Jordan

Under the patronage of Dr. Nathir Obeidat, President of the University of Jordan, the european project "Enhancing ICT Capabilities of Early Childhood Educators at HEIs in MENA Countries / ICT4EDU" was launched on 8th and 9th of March 2023, at the University of Jordan Campus.

The meeting started by a welcome speech and brief about the project from the project general coordinator, Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, followed by Dr. Ines Alves, Programme Manager – Education and ERASMUS+, Delegation of the European Union to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, then Prof. Ahmed Abu ElHaija, Director of Erasmus+ office in Jordan, introduced a presentation about The European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DIGCOMP), followed by a speech by Prof. Omer Maaith President of Tafila Technical University and ICT4EDU Project Coordinator at MU, and finally Prof. Nathir Obeidat President of the University of Jordan welcomed the partners at the University of Jordan and congratulate them on the selection of ICT4EDU project.

Pictures Link: Click-Here for Pictures

​Agenda: Click-Here for Agenda

Minutes of the Meeting: Click-Here for MOM


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

No. of Visitors