ICT4EDU 2nd Management Meeting
Thursday, September 7, 2023
The in-person meeting took place in the University of Bucharest , Bucharest, Romania during the period 7th-9th September, 2023. The meeting was attended by 36 persons physically
by partners from Jordan, Egypt, Palestine, Cyprus, Romania, Portugal and Italy.
Welcome speeches were given by the University of Bucharest's Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences representatives, the President of the Board of Trustees at the University of Bucharest and Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, the general coordinator for ICT4EDU project.
The meeting activities included the partners presenting the progress of their workpackages and discussing upcoming tasks. A workshop on revising courses to embed ICT-enabled Education for
Sustainability applying the DeCoRe plus methodology was given by Prof. Vasileios Makrakis from University of Frederick.
Agenda:Agenda - 2nd Managment meeting- Bucharest.pdf
Paticipants list:Participants list - Bucharest Meeting ICT4EDU.pdf
Minutes of Meeting (MoM): MOM-ICT4EDU Bucharest Meeting.pdf