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First part of ICT4EDU project Kick off meeting via ZOOM Under Coordination of the University of Jordan

Monday, January 16, 2023


First part of ICT4EDU project Kick off meeting via ZOOM Under Coordination of the University of Jordan

On January 16, 2023, The University of Jordan held the first part of the Kick-off meeting for “ICT4EDU” project remotely via Zoom.
ICT4EDU (Enhancing ICT Competencies of Early Childhood Educators at HEIs in MENA Countries) project will enhance the quality of ICT competencies of early childhood teacher’s educators in the (9) higher education institutions in Jordan, Palestine and Egypt in line with advance EU practices, thereby enhancing the quality of the education in pre-schools in Jordan, Palestine and Egypt.
The meeting started by a welcome speech form the project general coordinator, Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, followed by Prof. Mohammad Al-Shraideh, Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs in the University of Jordan and Mr. Jihad Fraig, Director of the external funded projects in the International Affairs Unit, UJ.
During the meeting, the participating partners introduced themselves and their universities with a focus on their related experience in ICT and early childhood education (ECE).
Then, Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh introduced ICT4EDU Project with outlining the project objectives, expected results of each work package and their overall plan, in addition, to the work packages leaders and Co-leaders of the project and discussed the action plan for implementation with other partners.
The meeting was attended by 55 persons from the partner universities in Jordan, Egypt, Palestine, Finland, Romania, Portugal and Italy.


Meeting Pictures: Click-Here for Pictures

​Agenda: Click-Here for Agenda

Minutes of the Meeting: Click-Here for the MOM


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

No. of Visitors