Vocational Training Diploma on Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles / ECO-CAR


​The workshop started with a welcome speech from the project coordinator, Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh from The University of Jordan. 

In this workshop, which included more than 50 participants, a brief overview of the project was presented by the leader of WP1 Jordan University of Science & Technology (JUST) and the Co-leader Mutah University (MU), where the main objective of the project and the benefits it brings to the stakeholders or to the educational institutions in Jordan alike. 

In addition, an overview of the programs offered in Jordanian universities related to the project was given by Applied Sciences University (ASU) as it is the leader of WP2 concerned with the proposed programs. 

The leader of WP3 concerned with studying the equipment to be purchased for laboratories, Al-Balqa Applied University (ABU), gave an overview to the participants about the equipment to be purchased to equip the laboratories for teaching and training purposes. 

After that, a dialogue began with members of the network to present the problems faced by this sector in Jordan. The workshop was concluded with a closing speech by Dr. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh.

Invitiations and Agenda: دعوة لورشة عمل مشروع ECO-CAR (1).pdfدعوة لورشة عمل مشروع ECO-CAR (1).pdf

Participant List: last participants list.xlsxlast participants list.xlsx

Report: 1st networking workshop Report.pdf1st networking workshop Report.pdf