اجتماع سكايب بتاريخ 30/3/2017

​Started at 8:00 am and ended at 9:00 am GMT

The attendance

Dr. Mehyar Ghadeer, Dr. Chartzoulakis Kostas, Prof. Favati Fabio, Dr. Rodriguez Celia on behalf of Prof Segura-Carretero Antonio, Prof.AL- Absi Khalid.

Prof.Tsimidou Maria and Dr. Nenadisinformed by e-mail the participants that they could not attend the meeting as they had to lecture at the same time of the meeting.

The agenda

1.The agenda of the final meeting and the program of the workshop.

2.Full paper reception and the booklet

3.The technical visit

4.Invited speakers

5.Other issues raised by the partners

The minutes

1.The agenda of the final meeting and the program of the workshop

a.Partners agreed that the presentations of Mr. AbdellatifGhedira(the IOC presenter),of the Ministry of Agriculture and JOPEA (not scientific ones) should have been moved to the first session of the workshop. Partners asked Dr. Mehyar to rearrange the agenda and resend it to the partners.

b.On behalf of the European partners Prof. Favati asked Dr. Mehyar to send the revised final report few days before the final meeting so that all the partners including those that were not present may revise it and the management meeting may run smoothly. Dr. Mehyar informed them that she answered some of the partners inquires on the report and added some other comments; she will send it to them before the final meeting.

2. Full paper reception and the booklet

a. Prof. Favati asked Dr. Mehyar to ask how to get the ISBN number (13 digits) from the publisher of the proceeding booklet. This is because it gives a status to the proceeding and can be indexed and considered as an official reference. Dr. Mehyar promised the partners that she will ask about that.

Partners agreed on the procedures for preparing the proceeding booklet. These are: 1) all the papers should be checked for the format according to the guidelines then 2) the papers should be sent to the scientific committeefor revision froma scientific point of view and after that 3) the papers should be revised for English by a skilled person, fluent in English. Prof. Favati suggested that the coordinator could find somebody at the UJ that teaches English to review the papers and then 4) the papers should be rechecked by the coordinatoragain for the language corrections.

b.Partners agreed that all the papers should be published as a book and to have a front and a back covers that keep all the papers together.

c.Dr. Mehyar told the partners that the revised final version should be sent to the printing before Friday the 14th April (ten days for printing) so we have about 16 days. Dr.Chartzoulakissaid that the scientific committee needs 4-5 days for reviewing it then the Jordanian language expert may do the final editing. Fabio said that he will be in Jordan April the 8th so may give some help to Dr. Mehyar.

3. The technical visit

Dr. Mehyar mentioned that the visit will be to an olive organic farm then eitherto an oil mill or pickling line. Partners agreed with the visit schedule.

4.Invited speakers

Dr. Chartzoulakissaid that Mr. Ghedirais welcomed to our workshop, but his paper does not meet at all the requirements of our guidelines, therefore it is important to circulate all the papers to all the scientific committee and decide what to do with it.

5.Other issues raised by the partners

a.Prof Favati asked if the second installation was sent to all partners, Dr. Mehyar told him that it was sent only to AUTH and JOPEA because they fulfill the requirements of the dual agreement between their institutions and UJ. Dr. Mehyar also informed the partners that UGR had their report reviewed and approved but needs to be signed by the university officials before sending the second installation to the UGR. Prof. Favati asked Dr. Mehyar to send the report of the UV with the required documents and comments.

b.Dr. Mehyar mentioned that she is planning to give Prof Ali, the UJ Administrator and the Dean of agriculture and herself recognition plaques and smaller ones to the partnersduring the workshop. Partners agreed on that.

c.Prof Favati informed Dr. Mehyar that he will buy some disseminating material including memory sticksthat will be uploaded with the proceeding booklet to be distributed to the UV students. Dr. Mehyar asked partners for some photos of these disseminating materials, because she may be asked to provide some of them with the final report.

Ghadeer Mehyar

The Project Coordinator



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