تقريىر انجازات المشروع ديسمبر 2016 - فبراير 2017- الدكتورة غدير مهيار

Dec 2016-Feb 2017

-                      Decision was make regarding the trainees (seven) to visit Granada. The decision is based on that they are employs or professors in the partners institutions, complete attendance one of the workshops given in summer of 2015 or 2016, getting the highest marks in the evaluation exam given at the end of the workshops, age and gender. An approval was got from the UJ administration for supporting the visit of the selected personal to visit Granada.


-                      The expected expenditure for the final work shop was prepared and sent to the EACEA for the approval. Suitable speakers for the topic are invited including the external speakers. The speakers provided a short CV and an abstract for their presentations except En AlButsh, the ministry of agriculture representative. The faculty members of the DNFT were contacted through email circular to provide abstracts for the final conference (poster section).


-                      An introduction of the proceeding book was prepared by the coordinator. It is 7 pages (including pictures) and includes information such as personnel involved in the project, partners and major goals and achievements etc.


-                      Supervising the installation and operation of the olive mill and pickling lines which are now installed and operating. The operation was performed successfully for both lines. The appointed technical committee from the University of Jordan have checked the installed equipment and found technical faults and asked the dealer to provide explanations for such differences. The university administration was informed about such faults in an official letter.


-                      Preparation and reviewing the financial report of the UJ is almost completed accompanied with the supporting documents arranged and given names according to those given in the excel sheets. Partners’ financial reports were revised for the second time and were contacted to provide their missed documents. The second installations were send to the AUTH, JUST and JOPEA as they full fill the requirements for sending the second installation as stated in the dual agreement with them.


-                      Samples for the survey study are now collected and being analyzed for total phenols, fatty acid profile, peroxide and acidity values. The results plotted into figures in preparations to write the manuscript.


-                      The preparation of the project website and the final workshop poster and the flyer are now prepared and updated. The flyer content will be sent to the partners for approval.


-                      UJ administration was contacted to find best dealers for the dissemination materials for the final workshop.


-                      Dr. Rund of Hamdi Mango research center was contacted to supervise two graduate students for University of Granada/ Italy but the students apologized to get the opportunity that is supported from the project.


-                      Supervise the visit of Dr. AlRusan of Al Balka University to Thesoloniki/ Greece in the period 12 Jan 2017 to 19 Jan 2017.


-                      The monthly skype meetings were performed proceeded by preparation of the agenda and followed by preparation of the minutes which were also revised.


-                      The primary final report of Dr. Ali is being circulated between the European partners for editing and approving and updating.


-                      Dealers were contacted for providing prices for the conference facility with services (audio visual, with instant translations) and for performing the technical visit.


-                      The MSc documents were circulated for the European partners to provide their ideas about whether or not to upload the program on the project website so as to attract the interest of the students and to make corrections on the documents.


The Project coordinator

Ghadeer Mehyar

28 Feb 2017


Project Achievements