عن الدائرة |  | In the context of global imperatives for water and energy supplies and the rising environmental and climate change concerns, there is a critical need for water, energy and environmental sciences to deliver game-changing discoveries and technologies rather than incremental progress. By 2030, the global demand for energy and water will have increased by 50% based on the predicted human population increase, and ignoring compounding factors of climate change, urbanization and increasing prosperity.
We have an exceptional community of researchers at Water, Energy and Environment Center (WEEC). Fundamental scientific discoveries are translated to real-world engineering solutions. We are supplying specialized training courses in the fields ofwater, energy and environment.We are encouraging researchers to launch more trans-disciplinary research in order to think beyond the current paradigms and be a creative and impactful national and international resource. While we work to build a new knowledge base in the fields of water, energy and environmental sciences, we know that our ability to realize the vision of a sustainable future can only be achieved through partnerships that create deep interactions between academia, industry and government.
The mission of WEEC is three-fold: to strengthen interactions among the water, energy and environmental sciences research community on campus; to increase the collaborative research enterprise between academia, government laboratories and industry; and to welcome future collaborators to our community. Whether you are already part of the WEEC family or you are half a world away, please join us in using our best resources and expertise to make tomorrow’s future bright.